
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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A nodal model has been developed to represent room heat transfer in displacement ventilation and chilled ceiling systems.
Simon J. Rees and Philip Haves
It is a basic premise of this paper that accurate earthcontact simulation is important and that the rapid parametric analysis of a structure can help designers pinpoint critical aspects of a structure early in the design stage.
Michael Davies, Stamatis Zoras and Hicham Adjali
The CHAT-D software environment was developed by the Electricity Applications in the Residential and Commercial Buildings Branch, of the research and development division of EDF (Electricité de France). Our main objective is to ensure the well-bei
Pascal Girault, Victor Candas
The Expanded AMeDAS Weather Data CD-ROMs would be available and may be utilized to conduct building simulations. However, the CD-ROMs do not include temperature data for thermally undisturbed ground.
Shin-ichi Matsumoto, Hiroshi Yoshino, Hiroshi Akasaka
A computationally-efficient building thermal model is developed for short-timescale investigations applicable to control system design.
G. Hudson & C. P. Underwood
The purpose of this study is to investigate how much the peak daytime demand for electricity is reduced by an underground heat storage system that uses surplus electricity during the nighttime. In this paper, we report on a numerical simulation me
Kouji Sakai, Osamu Ishihara, Kengo Sasaguchi, Hiroyuki Baba and Takamitsu Sato
Within the research context relating to the modeling process of architectural buildings and landscape planning, the CRAI particularly works on the simulation of day-light and artificial illumination. The purpose of this research is to develop a so
Christine Chevrier, Didier Bur, Jean-Pierre Perrin
This paper provides an overview of the usage of performance-based simulation tools for building design and evaluation in Singapore based on an extensive industry survey.
Khee Poh Lam, Nyuk Hien Wong and Feriadi Henry
The objective of this study is to improve the control performance of Ondol heating system in apartment buildings. For this purpose, prevalent control systems and relevant researches are evaluated.
Jin-Young Lee, In-Ho Yang, Seung-Yeong Song, Hway-Suh Kim, Kwang-Woo Kim
An evaluation system of the visibility of a ball flying is indispensable for the best architectural design and artificial lighting design of a baseball dome stadium, as it is essential to create a suitable visual environment for both players and s
Mitsuru Saito, Hiroshi Nakamura, Tetsuji Tanaka, Kouji Kawakami
Several features of heat transfer on enclosing surfaces is discussed including temperature distributions in a room heated by a floor heater.
Haruo Hanibuchi, Shuichi Hokoi
The typical Korean residential buildings, especially apartment buildings, are furnished with ONDOL – the Korean traditional radiant floor heating system. The buildings are getting more insulated and air tight for heating in hard winter.
Yong-Yee Kim, Ho-Tae Seok, Jeong-Min Choi, Hyun-Woo Lee and Kwang-Woo Kim
A systems approach is developed for predictive operation of HVAC processes in buildings, which is described with an objective function, a state-space model, and a number of constraints.
T.Y. Chen and J. Burnett
We developed a PC-software to estimate thermal environment of a residential house. To make the software practical for non-technical people, the easiness of operation was our main interest in this development.
Atsushi Iwamae, Haruo Hanibuchi and Toshiya Chikada
In multizone models used to predict thermal comportment of buildings and inside air quality, representation of the airflow through large vertical openings is very important.
Monika Woloszyn and Gilles Rusaouën
An absorption chiller model is developed for HVACSIM+(J). The model simulates dynamic characteristics of the chiller, such as dynamic trends of chiller temperatures and COP.
Yasuo Takagi, Tadashi Nakamaru and Yoshihiko Nishitani
This paper presents a feasibility study of a fresh air load reduction system by using an underground double floor space. The system was introduced into a real building (Aichi Children’s Center in Japan) and was examined by the field measurement.
Wontug Son, Hideki Tanaka, Hisaya Nagai, Masaya Okumiya and Nobuo Nakahara
This paper presents a new, accelerated method based on GD\OLJKWFRHIILFLHQWV according to Tregenza [1] to calculate cumulative annual indoor illuminance distributions.
C. F. Reinhart, S. Herkel
A study was performed on a method to evaluate performance of window system necessary to satisfactorily maintain the window side radiation environment in a glass building.
Kimiko Kohri
The UC Berkeley Multinode Comfort Model is based on the Stolwijk model of human thermal regulation but includes several significant improvements.
Charlie Huizenga, Zhang Hui, Thomas Duan, Edward Arens
