
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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For improving feedback about thermal simulation results from engineers to architects, it is desirable to present them in the three-dimensional context of the building.
Sebastian Herkel, Frank Schöffel, José Dionísio
This  paper   describes   the   methodology  and   the implementation of DEST, which is a simulation software developed to help the designer during design process. For each design phase, DEST provides corresponding method and program.
Chen Feng and Jiang Yi
Eight  mechanically  ventilated  flow  patterns  have been conducted in a test chamber. The air age in test chamber is measured with tracer gas technique. A CFD program named as STACH-3 is developed with the transport equation of air age in it.
Xianting Li, Xin Wang, Xiaofeng Li and Ying Li
This paper reports on two case studies that explore the current use of computational tools in building design scenarios.
Pieter de Wilde, Godfried Augenbroe and Marinus van der Voorden
Currently used design tools for kitchen design are often complicated, have poor interfaces and limited capabilities to exchange data between different applications.
Tuomas Laine
The high thermal insulation of housing construction has been spreading all over Japan, for the improvement of indoor environment and the efficiency of energy consumption.
Toshiya Chikada ,Takashi Inoue and Mamiko Kuwahara
This paper describes an effort to link the COMIS 3.0 multi-zone airflow model with the EnergyPlus building energy simulation program.
Joe Huang, Fred Winkelmann, Fred Buhl, Curtis Pedersen, Daniel Fisher, Richard Liesen, Russell Taylor, Richard Strand, Drury Crawley, Linda Lawrie
It is necessary to predict the load of the following day and hours to establish optimal thermal storage.
Nobuo Nakahara, Mingjie Zheng, Song Pan, Yoshihiko Nishitani
This communication presents a tool, m2m&Roofsol, which has been developed in the framework of a European project, ROOFSOL, dedicated to the study of passive cooling by roof components.
Gilles Lefebvre
A practical way to estimate the accuracy of sound field analysis by the finite element method in building environments is presented here.
Toru Otsuru and Reiji Tomiku
An experimental apparatus (in-situ thermal test unit) and an analysis method have been developed for evaluating the thermal resistance of the building envelope on site.
Seung-Eon Lee, Jae-Sik Kang, Jae-Min Kim
Internal   melt   ice-on-coil   tank   with   built-in horizontal tubes is a kind of ice tank used widely. Its discharge process is effected greatly by density different between ice and water.
Zhu Yingxin, Yan Zhang
A model for the design of urban grids and fabric with solar rights consideration taken into account is presented.
Isaac G. Capeluto, E. Shaviv
The treatment of convective heat transfer at internal building surfaces has a significant impact on the simulation of heat and air flow.
Ian Beausoleil-Morrison
In this article, we present the dynamic modelling of a heating and air conditioning small output installation in a residential building. The main aim of this modelling study is to acquire a better knowledge of all phenomena which govern the behavi
Marie-Hélène Jacquard
This paper decribes a research project to compare, using simulation, the summertime comfort and energy use of naturally ventilated and mixed-mode (limited cooling) UK office buildings.
Andrew Wright, Geoff Levermore
This  work  has  allowed  to  test  different  model improvement tools, by applying them on two building models. At the close of this study, an important point concerning the capability of the CLIM2000 software program to perform exact derivative
Nadia Rahni, Nacim Ramdani, Yves Candau, Gilles Guyon
In  the  present  work,  human  thermal  comfort  is investigated within the built environment. The analysis is based on two building thermal simulation models.
C. O. R. Negrão, C. O. Carvalho Fo., C. Melo
The  authors  propose  a  predicting  methodology combined with simultaneous solution for Building- Urban-Soil system to analyze the heat island phenomenon quantitatively in this paper. Using this model, numerical simulation is performed in order
Aya Hagishima, Jun Tanimoto, Tadahisa Katayama
