
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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There  are  two  kind  of  supply  fan  rotation  speed control methods, one is the static pressure control method, the other is the float pressure control method. Simulation shows that they have different working point along the whole year.
Xue Zhifeng,Chen Feng and Jiang Yi
The Austrian Radon Project (ARP) is aimed to investigate and measure systematically the indoorradon concentration in about 0.5% of all Austrian homes.
H. Friedmann1), C. Atzmüller2), L. Breitenhuber3), P. Brunner4), K. Fink5), K. Fritsche6), W.Hofmann2), H. Kaineder7), P. Karacson8), V. Karg9), P. Kindl3), C. Kralik9), J. Krischan10),
The definition of radon prone area based on indoor radon survey and the statistical analysis of data (ICRP65) is a well known process.
J.hůlka, l.tomášek, I.fojtíková and M.jiránek
Epidemiological evidence of lung cancer risk from radon is based mainly on studies of menemployed underground in mines where exposures are relatively high in comparison to indoorexposure.
L.Tomášek, E.Kunz, T.Müller, J.Hulka, A.Heribanová, J Matzner, V Placek, I Burian, and J.Holecek
The wind speed and wind direction affected concentration of indoor radon in seven houses, which arelocated in three region of southern Finland.
T. Keskikuru , H. Kokotti , S. Lammi and P. Kalliokoski
Legal regulations on the utilization of raws and materials assigned for construction are applied inPoland taking into account radiation protection.
A.Zak, M.Biernacka, P.Lipinski, K.Mamont-Ciesla
Sub-slab depressurization (SSD) systems in the form of radon sumps are being considered as themost effective and the cheapest radon remedial measures for existing buildings.
Martin Jiránek, Matej Neznal, Martin Neznal
The article presents a part of the measurements around a closed coal mine in an area of 2 km2 where newbuildings are planned.
Peter Jovanovic
The effectiveness of various insulating materials for limiting radon entry into houses has beeninvestigated experimentally in 90 existing houses and in laboratory conditions.
Martin Jiránek, Jirí Hulka
Nowadays augmented risk of a lung and larynx cancers as a result of the exposure on radon is not onlyknown fact, but also the most important effect of the influence of the natural radioactivity on thegeneral public.
Jan Skowronek, Malgorzata Wysocka, Antoni Mielnikow
A survey of radon concentration in kindergartens in area of town Piekary ?l?skie, affected byunderground mining, have been performed. Measurements were done in cellars and classrooms on thegroundfloor.
Jan Skowronek, Malgorzata Wysocka, Antoni Mielnikow,Stanislaw Chalupnik
In Poland as in many other countries regulations limiting permissible level of radon concentrations indoors are in force. It implies a need for a methodology of searching for houses with elevated radon concentration.
M.Kusyk, S.Wołkowicz, R.Strzelecki and K.Mamont-Cieśla
Radon and thoron and their decay products are the most important sources of radiation exposure to thegeneral public, contributing on average about half of the total effective dose equivalent received fromnatural and man-made radioactivity, such si
B. Myslek-Laurikainen, S. Wolkowicz, R. Strzelecki, M. Biernacka, M. Matul
Measurements of 210Po embedded in glass have been performed with passive detectors in houses ofthree rural communities of Yugoslavia.
Z.S.Zunic ,F.Trotti ,A.Birovljev F.Bissolo ,R.Falk, J.P.McLaughlin,A.Tanferi , C.Walsh
This paper present the results of a test programme to validate the Dutch pre-normative protocol NVN 5623 ‘Radioactivity measurements: Determination of the activity of gamma-ray emitting nuclides in a counting sample by means of semi-conductor gamm
E.R. van der Graaf, L.B.Venema, R.J. de Meijer
Analysis of a comprehensive database containing all available indoor radon measurements which were carried out in Israel between 1989 and 1994 (total of 31,842 assays) coupled with Geographical Information System (GIS) capabilities and geophysical
M.Shirav (Schwartz) , J.Shani , U.Vulkan , I.Katzir , E.Ne’eman , D.Feigin , S.Brenner
Radon concentration in outdoor air and in buildings is very variable, showing diurnal and seasonalvariations. Long term measurements with track etch detectors lasting up to one year give the mostprecise one year averages.
M. Janik, J. Loskiewicz, P. Olko and J. Swakon
A large number of modern European buildings are equipped with ducted air distribution systems.
edited by Carrie F.R., Andersson J., Wouters P.
The book of proceedings from the 19th AIVC Conference "Ventilation Technologies in Urban Areas", Oslo, Norway, 28-30 September 1998.
Popular culture abounds with uses for duct tape: duct tape calendars, books like 101 Uses for Duct Tape, and more. But lab experiments have finally proved that duct tape, as it ii' generally used, should not be used to seal ducts.
Sherman M, Walker I
