
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Design of air conditioning systems for efficient and effective part-load operation poses a considerable challenge, but one which is  frequently  not appreciated by the designer tied to traditional design practices.
P.G. Marshallsay and R.E. Luxton
A  method  for  evaluating  solar  rights  and  shading requirements in an urban environment is presented. The method is embedded in a CAD tool developed and adapted for this purpose.
A. Yezioro, E.Shaviv
An  integrated  simulation  system  for  the  building services design and facilities management purposes is being developed by Olof Granlund Oy.
Antti Karola, Tuomas Laine, Kenneth Lassila, Hannu Lahtela, and Markku Jokela
The purpose of this study is to develop the technique that mixing energy loss is predicted at the time of the air conditioning system design by the simulation.
Shoichi Kojima, Hitoshi Yamazaki, Toshiyuki Watanabe
Simulation  of  cleaning  is  a  new  area  in  building simulations. To make rational cleaning is it important to know how difficult it is to clean rooms. I define a Cleaning Index (CI) as the cleaning area divided by the floor area.
Anker Nielsen
This paper introduces a method to simulate the day-light performance of buildings using geostational me- teorological satellite images.
Yoshiaki Uetani
In order to explain the effect of ventilation systems and airtight performance of houses in detached houses, the investigation was made on a simulation program which calculates the ventilation rates and indoor air quality.
Motoya Hayashi, Masamichi Enai, Yoshiko Hirokawa
The research on provision of computational support for building performance analysis has traditionally concentrated on the building design phase. However, computational modeling can also effectively apply to the building operation phase.
Ardeshir Mahdavi, Seongju Chang, Vineeta Pal
It is important to apply the natural light effectively for the low energy consuming daylighting design.
Norio Igawa, Hiroshi Nakamura and Kunio Matsuura
Based on K- two equation turbulence model, we used PHOENICS 1.4 and numerically simulated air distribution and contamination field under different conditions in a vector- flow clean room.
Guangbei Tu, Wenhao Chen, Lai Wang
Air-conditioning systems with floor thermal storage can be used for cutting peak load and utilizing nighttime electric power.
Jung Jaehoon, Hokoi Shuichi and Urabe Wataru
In order to make proper radiative meshes with considering thermal distribution on solid surfaces, we inves- tigated the adaptive mesh generation method and per- formed parametric survey for a threshold which con- trols subdivision of mesh.
Imano Masashi, Kamata Motoyasu, Kurabuchi Takashi, Hayama Hirofumi, Kishita Manabu
When some faults take place in a thermal storage HVAC system, changing pattern of the temperature profiles of the thermal storage tank is useful to infer where some faults exist.
Song Pan, Mingjie Zheng, Nobuo Nakahara
This paper presents a mathematical model yielding a simplified representation of the thermal behaviors of ivy-covered walls. The model is integrated with a CFD program to implement simulation.
Liao Zaiyi, Niu J.L
The  use  of  split-type  air-conditioners  in  new apartment buildings becomes popular in Hong Kong. One requirement for their effective use is satisfactory heat rejection at the outdoor condensing units.
T.T. Chow, Z. Lin, Q.W. Wang and J.W.Z. Lu
An evaluation method for life cycle energy (LCE) and CO2 (LCCO2) of houses by the  system dynamics (SD), a method for understanding how all the objects in a system interact with one another, was presented.
Hiroshi Matsumoto
Building dynamic simulation has been available to building design engineers for some time.
K.H. Beattie and I.C. Ward
The numerical model for the analysis of the combined convective-conductive heat transfer in the building components has been developed.
Zbynek Svoboda
Nowadays   architects   commonly   use   the   ‘coupled space concept’. Examples are mezzanines, half-open office spaces and exhibition rooms.
Marinus van der Voorden, Lau Nijs, Gerrit Vermeir and Gert Jansens
The paper outlines a two-year research program where Radiance was used in the conversion of Empress Place, a national monument in Singapore, into an Asian Civilisation Museum.
Edward Ng, Khee-Poh Lam, Wei Wu, Takehiko Nagakura
