
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

Access to the publications is free of charge.

We present in this paper the essential aspects of the S2 system. This is the  internet realization of SEMPER: An active, multi-domain, space-based, object oriented design environment for integrated building performance modeling.
Ardeshir Mahdavi, Mustafa Emre Ilal, Paul Mathew, Robert Ries, Georg Suter, Rohini Brahme
This paper is focused on the evaluation of simulation system using the experiment result and the con- figuration of peri-counter which is the part of counter unit setting at bottom of window side with heat panel to avoid the influence of cold draf
Yuji Hukushima, Yasuo Utsumi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Yoshimi Ishikawa, Mitsuo Suzuki and Tatsuya Yamashita
This  paper  examines  the  process  by  which  the kitchen exhaust from a dwelling unit diffuses throughout the other dwelling units in a seven-story housing facility.
Shinnichiro Nagano
Construction    and    operation    of    buildings    is internationally a major cause of resource depletion and environmental pollution.
Robert Ries, Ardeshir Mahdavi
Most of the Brazilian population is concentrated in the shore region in cities like Rio de Janeiro.
Alberto Hernandez Neto, Arlindo Tribess, Fúlvio Vittorino, Maria Akutsu
Recent developments in photovoltaic components, small-scale combined heat and power systems and ducted wind turbines have opened up the possibility for an embedded generation approach to building design.
Kelly N J, Clarke J A
Solar energy and wind energy are one of renewable energies, and they are inexhaustible energy source which are available anywhere.
Masafumi Terawaki and Isamu Suzuki
The  successful  application of  moisture  simulation models to building envelopes requires accurate values of material transport properties. Unfortunately, although the presently-available database is reasonably voluminous, much of the informatio
Graham H Galbraith, R Craig McLean, Jiansong Guo, David Kelly, Chee-Kong Lee
The  traditional  methods  for  the  evaluation  of  the thermal performance of buildings are appropriate to winter conditions and are often used in standards that regulate energy consumption.
Maria Akutsu and Fúlvio Vittorino
THERM  2.0  is  a  state-of-the-art  software  program, available without cost,  that uses the finite-element method to model steady-state, two-dimensional heat- transfer problems.
Charlie Huizenga, Dariush Arasteh, Elizabeth Finlayson, Robin Mitchell, Brent Griffith, Dragan Curcija
In this report, recently developed computer program named TB3D/FDM(Thermal Bridge Computa- tion by 2- or 3-Dimensional Finite Difference Method) is introduced.
Hideyo Nimiya, Hiroshi Akasaka, Satoshi Obara and Kiyoshi Itami
Based  on  the  thermal  and  airflow  network  model with simple but perfect generic formulations and stable solving methods, a computer program NETS for the practical simulation of coupled building heat, gas and air transfer system has been deve
Hiroyasu Okuyama
A coarse-grid zonal model of room air convection is formulated and written with the SPARK object- oriented simulation environment.
E. Wurtz, M. Musy, J.M. Nataf
If an insulated and airtight house is cooled by passive ventilation using buoyant convection, the indoor air temperature can be kept lower than the outdoor air temperature, but there is a tendency for the indoor humidity to remain at a high level.
Shigeki Nishizawa, Masamichi Enai and Takeo Yuasa
Located in an extreme arid natural environment, the city of Mexicali has confronted maximum temperatures of 54C during summertime.
Delia Chan, Ramona Romero, Gonzalo Bojorquez and Anibal Luna
In calculating the heat flows around the floor plenum of underfloor air distribution system, the convective heat transfer coefficient is an influential factor, but it is not clearly known which value should be taken.
Hisashi Fujita and Sadao Tomiie
In recent years there have been a number of research and development initiatives directed at integrated energy generation systems which can meet the energy requirements of a building substantially or even completely on-site.
Paul Mathew, Volker Hartkopf, Ardeshir Mahdavi
This paper presents the Umidus program which has been developed to model coupled heat and moisture transfer within porous media, in order to analyze higrothemal performance of building  elements when subjected to any kind of climate conditions. Bo
Nathan Mendes, Ian Ridley, Roberto Lamberts, Paulo C. Philippi and Karlos Budag
Up to now, within the framework of validation of the global building energy simulation software programme CLIM2000, we have not focused on analytical verification.
Gilles Guyon, Stéphane Moinard, Nacim Ramdani
This  paper  referrer  to  the  existence  of  the variety modes and the 'chaos' in building ventilation system, and provides some instances of such varieties and the chaos in forced ceiling chamber smoke exhaust system in building fire. The numer
Katsumichi Nitta
