
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Similar to supply air jets in mixing ventilation this paper describes a comprehensive flow model for displacement ventilation derived from the integrated Navier-Stokes differential equations for boundary layers.
Skaaret E
An interconnection between a building energy performance simulation program and a Computational Fluid Dynamics program (CFD) for room air distribution will be introduced for improvement of the predictions of both the energy consumption and the ind
Nielsen P V, Tryggvason T
To evaluate the performance of different turbulence models in room airflow applications measurements in a test room will be compared to numerical calculations.
Muller D, Renz U
In the unsteady calculations of room thermal environments, two simple and effective methods were introduced to reduce computer efforts through two case studies.
Onishi J, Koga S, Mizuno M, Takeya N, Kitagawa K
This paper presents a set of detailed experimental data of room airflow with displacement ventilation. These data were obtained from a new environmental test facility at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Chen Q, Yuan X, Hu Y, Glicksman L R, Yang X
This paper considers methodologies how desired level, target level, of industrial air quality can be defined taking into account a feasibility issue. The method is based on the health-based risk assessment and the technology-based approach.
Niemela R, Raisanen J
Assessing the perceived air quality in decipols by trained panels can be performed rather perfectly today. To calculate the olf load from these results is a little more problematic as one requires olf loads which can simply be added (linearly).
Fitzner K
The paper deals with a research about analytical techniques for meaningful, reliable, cost-effective, in-situ, real-time and continues determination of airborne chemicals, by means of a new electrochemical sensor; the research aims to develop obje
de Santoli L, Lo Giudice G M, Milone A
It is known that water mist occasionally fonns near ice surfaces in roofed skating facilities depending on the indoor environmental conditions. The mist can lead to problems such as decreased visibility during skating competitions.
Togari S, Fujii Y, Ohwada J
Today, laws and regulations play a major role in just about everything we do. The declining quality of the air in our buildings is causing movement towards regulations relating to how buildings should be designed and operated.
Kumar R
Chikamoto T, Kato S, Murakami S, Kitamura N, Yue H W, Taeyeon K
Kegel B, Ruegg T
The performance and effectiveness of any ventilation and cooling strategy depends largely on the method of air distribution and heat removal system.
Alamdari F
Most standards for air handling systems prescribe a minimum air flow rate per person per hour based on full occupancy of the ventilated space.
Meier S
One of the major factors in human comfort is the air quality, which occupies a specific environment and is usually renewed through natural ventilation.
Lee K H, Choi Y, Lee Y G, Chin K I
A test room and measurement system were developed for the full-scale measurements of the active displacement air distribution. The room represents a 3-meter wide module of a larger hall.
Koskela H, Hautalampi T, Sandberg E, Lindgren M
