
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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To conduct a controlled trial to test the ability of a newly developed electrostatic air cleaningtechnology (EAC) to improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) as defined by levels of air borne particlesand to investigate the potential to reduce non-attenda
Rosen K G, Richardson G
From an air pollution study in a medium-sized, seaside town in Central Greece (Volos) it wasfound that some common air pollutants (CO, NO, NOx, SO,, 0,), whose emissions are connectedto activities and conditions that reveal some characteristics of
Papamanolis N
The paper presents further then an integrated model the supporting methodology that allowsto assess natural urban ventilation conditions both outside and inside constructions.Though some particular aspects arid procedures can be complex and time c
Marques da Silva F, Viegas J, Goncalves da Silva F, Santos P R, Saraiva J E
In many existing ventilation systems unintentional reentrainment of pollutant, due to improper location of exhaust and air intake, decreases quality of indoor environment.
Sowa J
This paper gives an overview of the EC NatVent (TM) project on 'Overcoming Technical Barriers to Low Energy Natural Ventilation in Office Type Buildings in Moderate and Cold Climates' which has been carried out under the European Commission Joule
Kukadia V, Perera M D A E S
The paper describes the results of a Pan-European survey carried out on identifying thebarriers that restrict the implementation of natural or simple fan-assisted ventilation systems inthe design of new office-type buildings and in the refurbishme
Aggerholm S
Since the beginning of this decade, natural ventilation in office buildings has been receiving specific interest. There are two sorts of application. Natural ventilation can be a strategy for indoor air quality control.
Demeester J, Wouters P, Ducarme D, et al
This paper identifies successful ways of applying natural ventilation to non domestic buildings locatedin urban areas. Whilst noise and contaminant pollution sources are a problem methods of avoiding theseemissions are discussed.
Ajiboye P
Heat recovery in ventilation systems for office buildings in cold climates is necessary for tworeasons:1. To obtain acceptable indoor thermal comfort by preheating of fresh air,2.
Hestad T, Skaret E, Brunsell J
A dynamic simulation of the ventilation processes and the thermal behaviour of an office building is developed.
van Paassen A H C, Liem S H, Groninger B P
The aim has been to determine ventilation rates and risk of moisture damage in three modernschools with passive stack ventilation.
Blomsterberg A, Sikander E, Ruud S
Ventilation of buildings in urban areas may result in high internal concentrations of traffic pollutants if air intakes are positioned where external concentrations are highest.
Green N E, Etheridge D W
Today, the development of new technologies to improve building envelope performances ishighly encouraged and provides a clear challenge for designers and researchers. In thiscontext several typologies of active envelopes have become very popular.
Saelens D, Hens H
The Ventilation Standard HASS-102 of The Society of Heating, Air-conditioning andSanitary Engineere of Japan (SHASE Japan) was revised in November, 1997. The title of therevised standard is Ventilation Standard for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.
Murakami S, Kobayashi N, Yoshino H, Kato S
A pressure-equalized rainscreen (PER) wall is a multiple-line-of-defence approach to rain penetration control.
Rousseau M Z, Poirier G F, Brown W C
Duct leakage has been identified as a major source of energy loss in residential buildings. Most duct leakage occurs at the connections to registers, plenums or branches in the duct system.
Sherman M, Walker I
Particle loss augmentation in turbulent flow was studied experimentally. Experiments were performed in a I SO mm square ventilation duct.
Lai A C K
Constant injection of tracer gas was used to determine the airtightness of a straight length of300 X 300 mm square duct in a laboratory setting.
Cheong K W
The performance of a heat-pipe heat recovery unit was tested in a two-zone chamber with a horizontal partition. Air velocity was found to have a significant effect on the effectiveness of heat recovery.
Gan G, Riffat S B
