
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The initial findings of a project initiated in the University of Coimbra and dealing with the conjugated influence of multiple stressors in riding passengers are presented in this paper.
Alcobia C J O P J, Silva M C G
In order to give some guidance for the optimization of shop entrances regarding comfort and energy savings, a project was launched by the City of Zurich.
Schaelin A
Twenty-four college students are asked about their subjective responses to a dynamic thermal environment with non-isothermal and intermittent air movement. The subjects wear an uniform of 0.6 clo and are sedentary.
Zhao R, Xia Y
This paper presents an original protocol to measure the fluodynamic performance of hoods in the laboratory. Results are presented both in terms of contaminant removal efficiency and flow field.
Fracastoro G V, Perino M
 In this paper, the airlfow and temperature distributions in a commercial kitchen are simulated based on the k- E model, and the ventilation efficiency is investigated for three types of ventilation systems.
Kondo Y, Akabayashi S, Nagase O, Matsuda A
    Thermal comfort i8sues in a commercial kitchen were studied in a laboratory test series. A commercial instrument was used to predict the thermal comfort of the kitchen personnel working near the hot cooking surfaces.
Pekkinen J
The aim of the research was to find out the indoor climate conditions in Finnish commercial kitchens by measurements and inquiries. Twelve kitchens were selected from the Helsinki metropolitan area.
Heinonen J
Airflow through houses from onshore coastal breezes in warm humid tropical climates is the principal passive means of achieving indoor thermal comfort when air temperatures exceed 30°C and relative humidity exceeds 60%.
Aynsley R M, Lee S S
In a hot climate, a large amount of solar heat irradiates on a roof and it is transmitted to an occupied space beneath it through an attic.
Yamamoto K, Homma H
This paper compares two well-known modelling approaches for natural ventilation in a multi-zone building with thermal stratification and large openings.
Li Y, Delsante A, Symons J G, Chen L
The light well located in the center of high-rise apartment building in Japan is called "Void".
Kotani H, Sato R, Yamanaka T
Solar chimneys are often used to extract air from a building by thermal stacks, while subfloor plenums are used to passively cool air before it is supplied to a building.
Li Y, Delsante A, Symons J G
A set of formulae for natural ventilation by thermal buoyancy is derived for a room with two opening and with a linear temperature stratification.
Andersen K T
Air change rates in a cross-ventilation model were measured from the decay curves of video image signals obtained by the step down method assuming perfect mixing of tracer mists inside the spaces.
Ohba M, Irie K
The development of new highly sensitive detection techniques for particle bound polycyclic aromatic compounds (PP AH) on the nano-particles of traffic born soot open a new dimension for real time measuring techniques for air exchange rates in buil
Hueglin C, Skillas G, Wilhelm O, Keller B, Siegmann H C
