
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The purpose of this study is to identify the ventilation effectiveness of a displacement ventilation system in a concert hall with 501 seats, where a large amount of outside air is required for ventilation.
Tanabe S, Kimura K, Kim J, et al
The purpose of this study is to find more information of the complicated air flow pattern in the SchOnbrunn palace. The aim is to improve the control of the air infiltration.
Holmberg J G, Kippes W
We examine transient displacement flows in naturally ventilated spaces that are subject to an increase in internal heat gains as in, for example, an empty lecture theatre which is then occupied by an audience.
Hunt G R, Linden P F
The paper presents a mathematical model, implemented in a general computer code, that can provide detailed information on velocity and temperature fields as well as pollutants concentrations prevailing in three-dimensional buildings of any geometr
Papakonstantinou K A, Kiranoudis C T, Patrikiou F K, Markatos N C
A three-dimensional mathematical model to solve the mixing, displacement and vortex ventilation systems in the removal of pollutants with a thermal source is described.
Yeoh G H, Li Y
Several new scales have been developed to quantify fresh air diffusion and contaminant dispersion in ventilated spaces.
Peng S-H
There are many indices to evaluate the ventilation characteristics of the ventilated rooms. These indices are classified into air change efficiency and contaminant removal effectiveness.
Yamanaka T, Satoh R, Kotani H, Miyamoto K
Working spaces in modem buildings are easily formed by interior partitions because these buildings have been designed and constructed as open spaces for flexibility.
Lee H, Awbi H B
An application of the systemic approach is presented for the study of the ventilation of a room in an industrial facility. First, a series of tracer gas experiments was made with a radioactive tracer.
Berne P, Blet V
Using isothermal full-scale experiments and 3-dimensional CFD simulations it is investigated how normal office furniture influences the air movements in a mixing ventilated room.
Nielsen J R, Nielsen P V, Svidt K
In order to assess ventilation systems, ventilation and thermal comfort parameters are calculated. Parameters are temperature and ventilation efficiency and PMV I PPD.
Castanet S, Menezo C, Meslem A, Inard C
The purpose of the presented investigation is the comparison between measured data of the laminar and turbulent mixed convection and their approximation by wall functions.
Neitzke K P
The general strategy adopted in the development of a computational tool performing the identification of parametric models based on the Residence Times Distribution (Rm) theory is exposed.
Domenech S, Drecourt S, Floquet P, Laborde J C, Laquerbe C
This paper presents results on the human response to individually controlled radiant local heating of the body which can be used together with low enthalpy ventilation based on low room air temperature and humidity.
Melikov A K, Langkilde G, Rasmussen L W
At Hermann-Rietschel-Institute systematic tests of the limits for the ventilation with openable windows are under way. The parameters temperature distribution and air velocity are the most attended values.
Zeidler O, Fitzner K
