
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This study established a research facility where airflow velocities, temperature, and differential pressures could be measured at the ridge of an attic.
Romero M I, Brenner R J
Attic ventilation 1/150 and 1/300 rules of thumb were established to avoid problems from indoor moisture.
Buska J, Tobiasson W, Greatorex A
A simple duct system was installed in an attic test module for a large-scale climate simulator at a U. S. national laboratory.
Petrie T W, Wilkes K E, Childs P W, Christian J E
Sealed attic construction, by excluding vents to the exterior, can be a good way to exclude moisture-laden outside air from attics and may offer a more easily constructed alternative for air leakage control at the top of residential buildings.
Rudd A F, Lstiburek J W
CO2-based demand-controlled ventilation (DCV), when properly applied in spaces where occupancies vary below design occupancy, can reduce unnecessary over ventilation while implementing target per-person ventilation rates.
Schell M B, Turner S C, Shim R O
Blower doors are used to measure the airtightness and air leakage of building envelopes.
Sherman M H, Dickerhoff D J
Wintertime window condensation problems were reported on the top two floors of a five-story, multi-unit residential building in central New York (7200, base 65° F heating degreedays ).
Clarkin M E, Brennan T M
Pre-assessing the reliability of ventilation systems is a dificult task and no simple methodshave existed. This paper presents a tool for estimating the reliability of domestic ventilationsystems.
Ruud S, Kronvall J
The principles of a new tracer gas technique is described in the paper. The new technique involves pulse injection of tracer gas and has the same advantages as the previously known homogeneous emission technique.
Stymne H, Boman C A
Concentration of pollutants produced by car traffic in a street below the roof level has large spatial variations.
Flori J-P, Sacre C
Natural ventilation in office buildings can sometimes offer other advantages than traditionalmechanical ventilation systems. Often natural ventilation systems are promoted at an earlystage by an architect, but perceived dificulties, e.g.
Kronvall J, Svensson C, Adalberth K
While there is no convincing technical basis for current code requirements for crawl space ventilation, most codes still require operable vents and the practice is well established among builders and architects .
Hill W W
Simulation analysis suggests that electricity consumption can be reduced up to 40% in existing Florida homes. To test this theory, an all-electric home was located in Miami, Florida upon which to perform a variety of retrofits.
Parker D S, Sherwin J R, Sonne J K, et al
The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) ENERGY STAR® Homes program seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging U.S.
Roberson J A, Brown R E, Koomey J G, et al
Ventilation systems for residential buildings can be generally categorized as supply, exhaust, or balanced systems.
Rudd A F
In recent years, residential energy conservation research has focused attention on heating system distribution efficiency.
Davis B, Baylon D, Houseknecht A
In 1997 the State of Wisconsin began searching for low-income programs that were innovative in their approach and which offered the potential to improve or expand program delivery.
Hall N, Reed J, Strand D
In 1995 Tacoma Power initiated a test of residential duct sealing to determine the feasibility of a full-scale program to improve the duct system in customer homes with central system electric heat.
Lerman D
This paper documents the experimental results and energy savings estimate from an end-use and water metering study of a sample of 104 multi-family sites.
Reichmuth H S, Khawaja M S
