
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Modern refrigeration technology including absorption refrigeration has coexisted with the more standard type of vapour compression systems ever since the beginning of refrigeration.
Robert Tozer, Zafer Ure
For its new building in Mons, the RTBF (Radio and Television organism of the Belgian French Community) decided, with the help of the Walloon Region, to design several equipments with special techniques characterised by a rational and economical us
Jean Dauge
Recent information on CFC's and their impact on the environment has created shockwaves of concern for those who are relying on these products in various applications and a thermal energy storage system can be considered as a useful tool to re
Z. Ure, C.B. Beggs
Room thermal analysis with furniture will generally result in differing heat load values and varying indoor temperatures compared to the same calculation without furniture.
R.Sarte, S.Hokoi, H.Inoue
A dynamic greenhouse climate model was used to simulate the effect of condensation and evaporation on the auxiliary heating requirements, on the inside air humidity and temperature and on the vegetation temperature in greenhouses covered with 12 d
J.G. Pieters, J.M. Deltour
The conservation policies and Rational Use of Energy (RUE) developed until the present, had their origin in the search of a smaller energetic consumption in order to reduce economic costs in a growing prices market of the fuels.
Rosenfeld, E.; Discoli, C.; Ferreyro, C. ; San Juan, G.; Czajkowski, J.; Gómez, A.; Rosenfeld, Y.; Martini, I.
The frame work of methodical design as developed at the University of technology Twente is used to specify dynamic system design/configuration concepts and alternatives for HVAC-installations (Heating Ventilation And Air Conditioning).
Wim Zeiler
Hollow core ventilated slab systems provide an effective means of utilizing the building structure as a thermal store to reduce energy cost while maintaining the thermal comfort of the occupants.
M J Ren and J A Wright
This paper discusses the use of a building thermal analysis methodology in which the stochastic nature of the external climates and randomness of physical parameters are considered.
S. Hokoi, M. Matsumoto
During the past two decades, pressure on the building industry increased gradually. Energy effi-ciency, indoor air quality, comfort, durability, sustainability all became key issues within a framework of growing cost awareness.
H. Hens, G. Verbeeck
Physiological and sensory responses, particularly paid attention to the skin wettedness under clothing at constant average skin temperature, were observed in two male subjects while they were seated on a balance.
Mochida T, Migita T, Shimakura K, Nagano K, Katada K
A field study on thermal comfort has been carried out in the capital city of Jakarta, Indonesia. There were 596 office workers working in seven multi-storey office buildings participated in this study.
Tri Harso Karyono
This paper presents a new method for monitoring the performance of control loops. The method determines performance indices using recursive relationships.
John E. Seem, John M. House, Richard H. Monroe
This paper presents laboratory and field test results for a new pattern recognition adaptive controller (PRAC) that adjusts the gain and integral of proportional-integral controllers while under closed loop control.
John E. Seem, Howard J. Haugstad
For new design approaches the engineers of HVAC systems need tools for estimating energy requirements of different heating systems in advance. The heat losses of buildings can be classified into three fields.
Michael Bauer
The aim of this work is to present a simulation programme for PCs which is easy to use and yields quick results of daylighting along the day in an indoor environment provided with a lightshelf, and solar irradiation levels on the external faade of
Eduardo Breviglieri Pereira de Castro, Leopoldo Eurico Gonçalves Bastos
CA-SIS,Conditionnement d’Air - Simulation des Systèmes (Air Conditioning - System SImulation), software has been developed on PC as a tool for engineering offices in their Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning studies.
L. Tabary
Through this paper we describe the introduction of a comprehensive routine, able to take into account air changes needed for IAQ purposes, in a computer simulation code based on the explicit form of the finite difference method and devoted to the
S. Constanzo, A. Giaccone, M. Pietrafesa, G. Rizzo
