
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

Access to the publications is free of charge.

A five-year initiative between the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) demonstrated the feasibility of improving the energy efficiency of publicly assisted housing.
Brinch J, Ternes M, Myers M
Thermal distribution systems represent the most promising opportunities for cost-effective energy savings in residential new construction.
Hammon R W, Modera M P
Residential new construction and renovation programs, home energy rating systems programs and energy efficient mortgage instruments are some of the many ways that local energy utilities and other state or federal agencies attempt to increase the s
Horowitz M J
There are many hurdles in the road to widespread adoption of energy-efficient heating and cooling (HVAC) equipment in homes.
May C, Brown R, Banwell P, Foery K, Offutt S, Wilson A
Procedures were developed and tested to conduct a quick and reliable evaluation of weatherization program energy savings using heating system nm-time loggers.
Bohac D, Linner K, Dunsworth T, Shen L
It's 10:00 PM. Do you know what your building is doing? Is the economizer set to maximum outside air? Has the lighting control system, be it human or machine, switched circuits off in unoccupied areas?
Benton C C, Huizenga C, Marcial R, et al
This paper describes a building analysis model for Russian multi-family housing, an array of possible retrofits, and the energy analyses for these buildings.
Dirks J, Reilly R, Currie J W, et al
Occupancy sensors have the potential to significantly reduce energy use by switching off electrical loads when a normally occupied area is vacated.
Floyd D B, Parker D S, Sherwin J R
Occupant controlled HVAC systems offer inhabitants of open office spaces some degree of control over their immediate microclimate typically by control of air supplied at floor or desk top level.
Glicksman L R, Taub S
Energy efficiency was a significant by-condition in the design work of the New Block (23, 700 m2; 255, 100 ft2) of the University Hospital in the city of Linkoping in Sweden.
Jagemar L, Andersson L
Increased building indoor air quality (IAQ) complaints due to reduced outdoor air ventilation rates led to ASHRAE Standard 62-1989.
Reddy T A, Liu M, Claridge D E
This authors draw upon 16 years of evaluation experience in conducting energy service marketing evaluations and market assessment research in the commercial and small industrial sectors to present real-life experiences and results of marketing eff
Hall N P, Reed J H
Since the combustion of fossil fuels is the leading causative factor in global climate change, the "Westernmodel'' of adopting energy-using technologies and using ever-greater amounts of energy will have important consequences for the future of hu
Agbemabiese L, Berko K, du Pont P
How do tenants of public housing respond to retrofits to improve their comfort and energy use during the cooling season?
Diamond R, Remus J, Vincent B
Comparative energy information is one method energy policymakers have employed to motivate consumers to reduce their energy use.
Egan C, Kempton W, Eide A, et al
This paper compares energy and environmental awareness in two small towns in Sweden and Minnesota over time.
Erickson R J
This paper examines key issues involved in evaluating benefits of tree planting programs from the perspective of electric utilities, as well as from a wider perspective of public and private entities that may benefit from such programs.
Hildebrandt E W, Kallett R, Sarkovich M, Sequest R
This paper describes the objectives and research methodology of a 30-month research project carried out under the European JOULE programme with the involvement of seven countries with cold or temperate climate.
Kolokotroni M, Kukadia V, Perera M D A E S
This paper reviews the development of performance indices for fabric thermal storage from the original BRE office research data to the two mixed mode design options currently available, each having different design priorities, namely naturally ven
Braham D, Warwicker B
The purpose of this paper is to present the energy required to condition a constant volumetric airflow and determine the variability of this energy due to changes in the design dry bulb and humidity setpoints.
Colliver D G, Liddament M W
