
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The role of ventilation in the housing stack is to provide fresh air and to dilute internally-generated pollutants in order to assure adequate indoor air quality.
Sherman M, Matson N
Many modern office and residential buildings in Sweden include an atrium. The atria are often mechanically ventilated and sometimes they are heated. Very little is know about the ventilation and air infiltration in built atria.
Blomsterberg A, Wall M
A combined thermal and ventilation model has been used to investigate the seasonal variation of air infiltration rates and ventilation heat losses in modern industrial buildings.
Jones P J, Powell G, Alexander D K
Ventilation of buildings is necessary, both to insure adequate indoor air quality and to protect the building itself against condensation and mould growth. On the other hand, ventilation rates must not lead to excessive energy consumption.
Villenave J G, Millet J-R, Riberon J
Cooling ceilings are more and more proposed, in order to eliminate excess heat in office buildings without consuming much energy in air transport. On the other hand, piston ventilation is proposed to efficiently eliminate contaminants.
Roulet C-A, Cretton P, Kofoed P
An even distribution of room air can improve indoor air quality, lower energy costs, and create thermally comfortable environments. This paper investigates the influence of the design of plaque diffusers on the efficiency of supply air.
Tang Y-Q, Holmberg S
The paper will describe the development of the storm safety value, experience of its use and suggestions for use in other connections.
Egedorf M
A new miniature mechanical ventilation system with both supply and extract air and an air-to-air heat exchanger has been developed in Great Britain and Denmark.
Egedorf M
The efficiency of removing excess heat by employing mixing ventilation is based on the properties of jets. Therefore the behaviour of jets in enclosures is important.
Karimipanah T, Sandberg M
A test room which was built at a scale 1:5 to the original one has been used to investigate air-conditioned rooms. The original room was specified by the international project IEA ANNEX 20.
Vogel P, Richter E, Rosler M
The paper presents a criterion to assess the performance of mechanical exhaust hoods for dome stic kitchens and a procedure to experimentally test them; an analysis of the relevant parameters which affect their performance is made, the test result
Cardinale N, Tommaso R M Di, Fracastoro G V, Nino E, Perino M
In conjunction with IEA Annex 18, DCV-systems, a test on an auditorium in a school in Tyreso south of Stockholm has been carried out.
Svennberg B A, Mansson L-G
The continual reduction of the transmission heat losses of residential buildings causes an increasing importance of the ventilation heat losses. Energy saving can be achieved by using a mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery.
Steimle F, Mengede B
For thermal comfort and energy conservation reasons, displacement ventilation and radiative cooling systems are increasingly used.
Koschenz M
Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) and passive stack ventilation (PSV) systems are both proposed as methods of ensuring satisfactory ventilation rates in UK housing.
Palin S L, Winstanley R, McIntyre D A, Edwards R E
For several years the technology of chilled ceilings has been a favourite issue among HVAC technicians and underwent a boom in the past few years.
Mertz G
This paper presents the results of monitoring the ventilation in Netley Infants School in Hampshire.
Palmer J, Shaw P, Trollope M
In urban non-residential buildings air-conditioning systems are generally required to achieve acceptable air quality. To reduce the energy demand of HVAC-plants free cooling is proposed.
Bollinger A, Roth H W
The air distribution in a room is investigated using computational fluid dynamics. Four common methods of supplying air to a room are compared.
Awbi H B
The BRE method of predicting water vapour conditions in houses is based on two generalised moisture admittance parameters a and p.
Serive-Mattei L, Jones R, Kolokotroni M, Littler J
