
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper shows the extensive influence of humidity on comfort, cooling load and refrigeration capacity. Modern computer programs allow an effective consideration of humidity in systems.
Steimle F
The major objective of the IEA task XIII project is to design and construct low energy dwellings which should be technically and economically realistic in the period 2000-2010.
Wouters P, L'Heureux D, De Herde A, Gratia E
The growing diffision of small power, gas-fired individual units for space heating and service hot water production, as well as concern about operational safety issues, has promoted greater attention to the understanding of ventilation mechanisms
Borchiellini R, Cali M, Girard M, Masoero M
Existing regulations concerning the design and construction of residential buildings which are naturally ventilated via courtyards and lightwells have origins in daylighting rather than in aerodynamics.
Walker R R, Shao L, Woolliscroft M
Dynamic insulation stands for an insulation through which an air flow flows. The air flow is usually the normal ventilation flow. The air can flow in the same or in the opposite direction of the normal heat flow.
Jensen L
Total energy exchangers with a rotating heat storing matrix have been applied to air conditioning systems for more than 25 years with very good results for saving both heating and cooling energy.
Dehli F, Kuma T, Shirahama N
The momentum balance on a centrifugal fan, supplemented by a complete energy balance for rigorous interpretation of power-pressure interactions, relates these variables to flow rate and fan speed.
Lorenzetti D
A new ventilation and cooling system called OKOMAIR has been developed and investigated. The main idea is to separate carrying off cooling loads and providing fresh air to the occupants without mixing it with the return air.
Barath B
High quality is a prerequisite for industry to sell its products.
Pedersen J
In order to speed up the development of health, energy-efficient buildings, the City of Stockholm has formulated a programme for the building of apartment houses.
Fyrhake L, Hedkvist P-A, Hult M
Several demonstration buildings were constructed in order to find technical solutions to energy saving and better indoor air quality in the 1980's in Fiand.
Pallari M-L, Luoma M
Ventilation codes for swimming pools are based on preventing condensation. To save energy, air recycle with dehumidification is common.
Dickson D
The number of smokers differs mainly with age, sex, education, profession, and cultural background.
Mansson L-G, Svennberg S A
Increases in the levels of thermal insulation required in the walls and roofs of houses in the U.K.
Harris D J, Dudek S J-M
The importance of natural ventilation, typically restricted to residential buildings application, is rapidly increasing also within the commercial buildings.
Beccali G, Cannistraro G, Giaconia C, Rizzo G
Under-estimating the ventilation flow rate results in increased sanitary risks and damage to the existing building structure. Over-estimating ventilation flow leads to energy waste.
Creuzevault D
Within the framework of demonstration and industrial pilot projects in the energy sector supported by the Commission of the European Economic Communities, an important experiment has been dedicated to the HYGRO-ADJUSTABLE NATURAL VENTILATION (Cont
Dalcieux P
In the framework of a CEC demonstration project on humidity controlled ventilation, detailed measurements are carried out in 18 apartments in Namur, Belgium.The paper gives a brief description of the building, of the airtightness of the apartments
Wouters P, Geerinckx B, L'Heureux D
The issue of energy consumption assessment is a complex one.
Irwin C, Edwards R
Designing a comfortable inside climate for office buildings to operate within comfort limits (PMV+/-0.5) requires a flexible operating strategy. Two systems a VAV and a VHV are identified and compared to each other.
Simmonds P
