
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Experiments were carried out in four naturally ventilated offices to measure the indoor environmental parameters such as air velocity, turbulence intensity and air temperature at three vertical levels, Air change rates for various indoor and outdo
Croome D J, Gan G, Awbi H B
Good indoor air quality in buildings becomes such a major concern that new design recommendations emerge in many countries (USA, Nordic Countries,...).
Fleury B
Air extraction in the kitchen is an essential element in all ventilation strategies for dwellings. This can be done by natural ventilation or mechanical extraction. In practice, the use of mechanical kitchen hoods is very common in Belgium.
Geerinckx B, Wouters P, Voordecker P
The new building and HVAC technology was used when an EBES multistorey residential building was built in Helsinki.
Laine J, Saari M
For more than 20 years, energy recovery systems have been operated successfully in European countries in comfort and industrial ventilation systems in order to reduce the heating and cooling capacity as well as to reduce the annual energy consumpt
Dehli F
Draughts due to air inlets are one of the problems to be solved for improving the global performance of mechanical ventilation systems.
Riberon J, Millet J R
This report presents the results from the registration throughout a month of relative humidity, temperature and outdoor air exchange as well as the concentration of carbon dioxide in each room of an inhabited single family house, in which all room
Nielsen J B
The ventilation rate in a building depends on many things, one of which is the air temperature. The air temperature in turn depends in part on the ventilation rate.
Cripps A J, Millet J-R, Villenave J-G, Bienfait D
By means of parametric analyses, the paper describes how the "constantness" of a Constant Air Volume system is affected by temperature differences resulting from heat load variations or otherwise. Several design related parameters are considered.
Hensen J L M
Besides the hygienic aspect, also the aspect of energy saving of heating residential buildings is very important. This is only possible by mechanical ventilation with heat recovery.
Steimle F, Roeben J
Due to the complexity in describing the simultaneous effects of a number of factors that influence the climate of an attic space it has proven to be difficult to make simulations of it.
Kronvall J, Kvist H, Sandberg P I
Radon is the largest source of risk to human health caused by an indoor pollutant, at least in the industrial countries.
Bonnefous Y C, Gadgil A J, Fisk W J
A humidity controlled exhaust fan have been tested during the winter season 1991/2. The test have been carried out in a detached one storey house with a flat roof.
Mansson L-G, Boman C-A, Jonsson B-M
The dour threshold value of kitchen exhaust air was experimentally determined during typical cooking situations and tobacco smoking in a dwelling. During cooking, air from the exhaust duct was taken into a sample bag.
Luoma M, Kovanen K
The amounts, quality and factors affecting of dust accumulation in supply air ducts of eight nonindustrial buildings were studied.
Pasanen P, Nevalainen A, Ruuskanen J, Kalliokoski P
A sudden contamination of the outdoor air by some toxic gas can have several causes. The primary goal of the investigation was to determine the protection afforded by sheltering indoors.
Siren K E
The house dust mite inhabits bedding and soft furnishings in homes. It is implicated as a major cause of allergic asthma. Maintenance of indoor humidity below a level of 7 g/kg inhibits the growth of the mite population.
McIntyre D A
The greenhouse effect is one of those topics in environmental politics which are currently worldwide at stake. There are several national concepts aiming at the diminution of CO2-emission in order to lessen the greenhouse effect.
Mertz G, Roeben J
Spillage of combust ion products from open f lued combust ion appliances represents a source of indoor air pollutants which can cause danger to health.
Shepherd T
One of the main problems about air flows pattern studies remains the experimental validation of numerical codes developped for interzone air flow and polluant diffusion prediction.
Amara F, Depecker P, Allard F
