
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Multi-zone models are a common tool for calculating air and contaminant exchange within rooms of a building and between building and outdoors.
Schälin A, Dorer V, Maas J van der, Moser A
Fluctuating airflow thorough buildings is caused by temporal and spatial variations of wind-induced pressures around building envelopes, and include pulsating airflow and eddy penetrations.
Haghighat F, Rao J, Riberon J
In well insulated buildings the ventilation heat is sometimes higher than the heat losses by transmission. For a air change rate of 0,8 per hour the specific heat flux must be calculated with 25 w/m², so heat recovery can save some energy.
Steimle F, Schaedlich S
A heat recovery system reclaims heat from outgoing stale air, supplying it to incoming fresh air.
Wiltshire R, Littler J
A prototype of a low cost, low energy office building was built using a new Finnish component system building technology.
Laine J, Saari M
This paper investigates quantitatively the energy conservation achieved by balanced ventilation with heat recovery and upstream ground heat exchanger.
Trümper H, Albers K-J, Hain K
A cross-flow polymer membrane enthalpy exchanger has been designed which provides both heat recovery and moisture dissipation in the ventilation of living spaces.
Rose W B
Modern one-family houses in Scandinavia built before 1980 are often naturally ventilated and heated by electric baseboard heaters. The overall supply of fresh air is often inadequate during the heating season in many of these houses.
Blomsterberg A
Ventilation systems in dwellings should not only maintain the quality of the air, in other words limit pollutant concentration whatever the origin, but protect the structure, that is, limit condensation and the storage of excessive humidity in exi
Grelat A, Cohas M, Lemaire M C, Fauconnier R, Creuzevault D, Loewenstein J-C
This paper reports the results of humidity and ventilation measurements in occupied residential buildings to study the effect of airborne moisture movement on condensation risks.
Kolokotroni M, Saiz N, Littler J
The occupant's behavior with respect to window opening may greatly affect the ventilation system, the energy consumption orland the indoor air quality.
Fleury B, Nicolas C
The purpose of this study was to carry out a mathematical modelling analysis of the effect of indoor pollutant source strengths and ventilation rates on the concentration of pollutants.
Hamlin T, Cooper K
The classification of outdoor (ambient) air as fresh for the purposes of ventilation is not always appropriate, particularly in urban areas.
Cano-Ruiz J A, Modera M P, Nazaroff W W
Airtightness deficiencies of building envelopes and weaknesses in the ventilation systems can disrupt the operation of heating and ventilation systems. This can lead to an insufficient level of air quality and higher energy consumptions.
Riberon J, Villenave J G, Simeon R, Millet J R
This paper deals with the problem of the weather influence on ventilation rate for naturally ventilated buildings with purpose provided openings and vertical shafts.
Adalberth K, Boman C A, Kronvall J, Norlen U
This paper describes a method for measuring tbe dispersal of airborne contaminants by light-sheet illumination of aerosol tracen and digital image processing techniques.
Axley J W, Norford L K
Avery largeelectronics factory had beencompletely refurbished, and new mechanical ventilation systems installed.
Waters J R, Brouns C E
The present paper reports on tracer gas measurements performed in five large buildings during normal operating conditions. In all buildings air was supplied through ceiling diffusers and returned through a ceiling plenum.
Olesen B W, Seelen J
The study deals with the theoretical and experimental simulation of gas leaks in buildings.
Cafaro E, Cardinale N, Fracastoro G V, Nino E, Tommaso R M di
During the last decade several surveys in Sweden have indicated that the indoor climate in existing schools is unsatisfactory, therefore a thorough project was carried out in Växjö).
Larsson R, Olsson S
