
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

The AIVC website includes a protected content feature that provides access to AIRBASE. Access to the protected content is free of charge but requires you to register first.

This paper presents and evaluates a new method, based upon tracer gas techniques, for determining interzonal airflows and effective volumes in a multizone enclosure.
O'Neill P J, Crawford R R
It is particularly important to be aware of the air flow pattern in a building when determining indoor air quality problems or calculating space conditioning loads for energy consumption.
Feustel H E
In order to be validated, the computer programs simulating the air flows in multizone buildings need several measured data sets to be compared with. Such a set was measured on the LESO, a mid-sized administrative building.
Furbringer J M, Compagnon R, Roulet C A, Gadilhe A
The paper describes the development in airflow simulations in rooms.
Nielsen P J
Rising moisture from the ground has caused quite a lot of damage on foundations of Swedish buildings. It is in some constructions possible to prevent this by mechanical ventilation below the floor or below the concrete slab.
Hagentoft C E, Harderup L E
Moisture and mould in buildings have become fairly common problems in Italy, particularly since regulations aimed at energy conservation have been enforced in the seventies.
Aghemo C, Lombardi C, Masoero M
A method is being developed for visualization of air flow with application to the indoor problems of heating, ventilating and air conditioning.
Gottschalk G, Revesz Z, Suter P, Tanner P
During the past decade a multitude of diagnostic procedures associated with the evaluation of air infiltration and air leakage sites have been developed.
Harrje D T, Gadsby K
The distribution of wind pressure on a building envelope is governed by the size and shape of the structure and the turbulence characteristics of the wind.
Gusten J
The air exfiltration part of ventilation is often difficult to determine and its part of the energy balance is therefore usually determined as a remainder or given a constant value.
Blomsterberg A
The indoor climate and ventilation were measured in 50 dwellings with various ventilation systems. The health and comfort of people living in the dwellings were studied with a simultaneous questionnaire.
Ruotsalainen R, Ronnberg R, Majanen A, Sepannen O
Canadian research into residential ventilation and combustion venting revealed that the installed performance of exhaust equipment, ducting passages, and site-built chimneys was largely unknown.
Fugler D
A new visual method is yielded by a particular application of Mollier's h,x-diagram. Point fields (temperature and humidity) lead to a significant improvement upon previous graphic methods.
Trumper H, Jansen W
Displacement flow systems are becoming popular, especially in Scandinavia, for comfort ventilation.
Davidson L, Olsson E
A test room with a Displacement Ventilation System has been built. Air velocity and temperature profiles were measured at different places in the room under summer and winter conditions.
Kegel B, Schulz U W
Whole-building pressurisation tests can quantify the air-leakiness of a building's external envelope. The resulting information can be used in assessing the quality of the building fabric.
Perera M D A E S, Tull R G
This paper examines some designs which lead to indoor air pollution and exhorts mandatory maintenance of all building services which determine the health and safety of the building occupants as anintegral part of our city bylaws.
Ferahian R H
The AIVC nowadays is an established Centre on infiltration and ventilation research. It is well known throughout the world. This position has not been reached easily. But years of hard working and critical managing of the Centre were a necessity.
De Gids W F
1979 a project was launched at Technological Institute, Copenhagen with the purpose of developing a method for continuous measurement of air change rates in occupied dwellings.
Kvisgaard B, Collet P F
A comparison of three injection manners, step-up, step-down and pulse, for determination of the mean age of air was made by using nitrous oxide and sulphur hexafluoride as tracer gases.
Niemela R, Saamanen A, Koshela H
