With the exception of a few analyses of the impacts of ASHRAE Standard 62-89 and energy use in specific buildings, the energy use in commercial building due to infiltration and ventilation flows has received little attention.
26th AIVC Conference - Brussels, Belgium - 21-23 September 2005
The 26th AIVC Conference, Ventilation in relation to the energy performance of buildings, was held in Brussels, Belgium, 21- 23 September 2005.
Contains 52 papers
Volume content
Impact of commercial building infiltration on heating and coolin loads in US office buildings | 2005 | English
The present paper presents the results of the energy and environmental evaluation of ten school buildings in the Greater Athens Area.
In this paper the effects of atrium and other similar architectural design features (e.g. shafts) on ventilation efficiency are examined in a multi-storey office building.
The paper gives an outline of existing modelling capabilities as well as an overview of current developments in integral modelling of hygrothermal conditions for whole buildings as presented within IEA Annex 41.
Performance evaluation of the hybrid ventilation system controlled by a pressure difference sensor | 2005 | English
A hybrid ventilation system controlled by a pressure difference sensor was installed on a detached test house.
Development of design guidelines for tertiary sector buildings equipped with natural ventilation systems | 2005 | English
This study considers the link between tertiary buildings design and equipments known as natural and hybrid ventilation or cooling.
Industry-wide methods of assessing duct leakage are based on duct pressurization tests, and focus on highpressure ducts.
In these last years, a great deal of interest has been devoted to double-skin façades due to the advantages claimed by this technology (in terms of energy saving in the cold season, high-tech image, protection from external noise and wind loads).
At the conceptual design stage, one needs to pay considerable attention to both the energy as well as indoor air quality (IAQ) requirements.
Study on energy conservation effect of hybrid ventilation system utilizing wind pressure for multi-family buildings | 2005 | English
According to the R&D Project on Low Energy Housing with Validated Efficiency, the CO2 emissions due to operation of ventilation systems are estimated to be 7 to 12% of total CO2 emissions of a unit of multi-family buildings in mild climate reg
As a result of the EPB directive, the Flemish government has established a new regulation due as from January 1ste, 2006. This regulation also imposes the presence of minimal ventilation equipment in new buildings.
Airtightness field measurement study of 123 new french dwellings with a simplified measuring device | 2005 | English
Studies on buildings’ airtightness have shown that several issues can arise from uncontrolled airflow leakages in buildings (e.g., higher energy cost, thermal comfort and health of occupants, building components and equipment preservation).
Direct expansion (DX) air conditioning (A/C) systems are most commonly used in residential buildings in hot and humid subtropics.
An earth-air heat exchanger (EAHX) has been implemented in a low-energy office building in Kortrijk,Belgium.
Experiment of the mixing property and the heat exhaust effect under cross ventilation in a full-scale building model. | 2005 | English
Cross ventilation is one of the most important techniques for achieving energy conservation and for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment in summer.
This article describes five blower door measurements – each made with a different objective – carried out on large buildings.
Currently, various studies have demonstrated some doubt about the accuracy of the orifice equation when applied to the calculation of cross-ventilation.
CFD analysis of the effect of self-regulating devices on the distribution of naturally supplied air | 2005 | English
Thermal comfort in living rooms or bedrooms is among others determined by the spatial distribution of the supplied ventilation air.
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis to evaluate natural night ventilation design in an office building | 2005 | English
Natural night ventilation is an energy efficient way to improve thermal summer comfort. Coupled thermal and ventilation simulation tools predict the performances.
This project aims to demonstrate via a refurbishing operation, how a mechanical ventilation system can both provide a good indoor air quality and limit the energy consumption due to air renewal.