For a high density city, given the need to accommodate a fix amount of building volume, what can one do to optimise the benefits of the natural (air) environment?
28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference - Crete, Greece - 27-29 September 2007
The 28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference, Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, was held in Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007.
Contains 247 papers
Volume content
An investigation into parameters affecting an optimum ventilation design of high density cities | 2007 | English
Measurements of indoor pollutants have been performed in 50 residences in Athens. The concentration of CO2, CO, TVOC’s and PM2.5, PM10 has been measured.
In mild climates due to the increase of request of comfortof people there is a growing number of installation of low cost and low efficient cooling system even in new buildings.
The scope of the present paper is the presentation of a dynamic and interactive vocational training tool for the implementation of the Directive 2002/91/EC.Certain features of the tool that depend on the existing legislation and restrictions in ea
In Heerlen, the Netherlands, warm and cold water volumesfrom abandoned mines will be used for heating and cooling of buildings, based on a low exergy energy infrastructure.
The primary aim of the EP label project was to develop a methodology for energy benchmarking and certification of buildings, based on Operational Ratings, to address the EPBD Article 7.3 requirement for Public Buildings over 1,000 m to display an
Internal airflow sensitivity in a naturally ventilated atrium subject to variation in external wind conditions | 2007 | English
Design guidelines for natural ventilation in buildings normally focus on the potential hourly air change (ACH) rates based on the building space parameters.
The use of windows is a key adaptive opportunity in naturally ventilated buildings especially in summer when the building is likely to be free-running.
Estimation on the effectiveness of the crossventilation as a passive cooling method for houses | 2007 | English
The integration of research outputs on the cross ventilation is tried in order to quantify the reduction of cooling energy, by raising the stepwise questions and by reviewingexisting knowledge useful to find solutions.
Methodologies to bring innovative environmental technology R&D results into the market | 2007 | English
It has been widely recognised that too few projects initiatedunder both national as well as EU funded research projects find their way to commercial exploitation.
The paper deals with applicability of passive and low energy cooling technologies in the Czech Republic.In the paper there are presented two recent studies, where computer simulation helps to design properly the passive and low energy cooling for
In the present study the relation between the wind speed and the air temperature during the summer period over the greater area of Athens is examined.
The effect of natural ventilation on the indoor air quality in classroom of the elementaryschool without heating equipments during winter season | 2007 | English
Field survey on indoor air quality was conducted during winter season, in an elementary school at Kagoshima city.
Variable flow rate summer air-conditioning systems with low energy consumption for small buildings | 2007 | English
The energy performances of a summer air-conditioningsystem with variable airflow destined fora sole air-conditioned open-space environment which hosts a call-centre are presented.
Investigating and analyzing the thermal behavior of the “green roof system” installedin two buildings in Athens, Greece | 2007 | English
The present paper deals with the experimental analysis and monitoring of the energy and environmental performanceof a green roof system installed in two residences,in the region of Athens, Greece.
Window opening behavior and resultant thermal and air quality environment in elementary school classrooms | 2007 | English
A study was performed in 6 elementary schools in Japan,and measurements were made on temperature in classrooms and corridors, outdoor temperature, CO2 concentration and closing or opening of windows and doors.
The effects of roof angle and width of adjacent buildings on wind-induced cooling ventilation of atrium spaces | 2007 | English
The wind-induced natural ventilation of atrium buildingswith two roof openings has been investigated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques.
Study of a new photocatalytic air cleaner applied to the management of the microbiologicalindoor air quality | 2007 | English
The objective of this research consists of studying the effectiveness of devices used in the microbiological purification of the air. This specifically involves the inactivationof biological aerosols in an air handling unit.
Air quality measured in a classroom served by roof mounted natural ventilation windcatchers | 2007 | English
This study examines air quality measured in two classroomsin a UK school, which uses two different forms of natural ventilation, over an eight month period.
Ventilation systems to minimize food odor spreading in high rise residentialbuildings | 2007 | English
A food odor spread is one of the air quality problems in high rise residential buildings in Korea. The food odor is mainly produced during the cooking of food. The food odor is generated in the limited spaces like in the kitchenand at a table.