International Building Simulation Conference Australia, 1993.

Contains 72 abstracts.

Volume content

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The first purpose of our work has been to allow-as far as heat transfer modes, airflow calculation and meteorological data reconstitution are concerned-the integration of diverse interchangeable physical models in a single software tool for profes
J. Brau, H. Boyer, J. C. Gatina
The prediction of the effects of moisture in buildings is now a well established part of the building design process.
Graham Galbraith, R. Craig Mclean
As a result of the progression of computing power and the increasing demandsfor detailed thermal performance assessment users are shifting from simplified design tools to comprehensive, dynamic thermal appraisal tools which are able to handle the
J.L.M. Hensen, J.A. Clarke, P. Strachan, Jon W. Hand
This study (*) has been developped in real site on gymnasium situated in the center of FRANCE which was experimented during two years. This building is equipped with two interconnected energy saving systems.
A. Trombe, L. Serres, A. Mavroulakis
After a brief review of the development of thermal design tools world-wide, those available in Australia are considered and four are selected for validation.
Q. T. Ahmad, S. V. Szokolay
This paper examines the application of simulation tools to daylighting and heating energy use in the context of what questions the designers wish to ask and what answers they seek.
Mike Donn, Robert Amor, Nigel Isaacs, John Hosking
The aim of this paper is to describe the work currently under way at CSTB in the frame of the project 'Intelligent Sitnulation Environments'.
Roger Pelletret, Souheil Suobra, Keilholz, Werner, Zakaria Belghali
The simulation of temperature and pressure development in the ventilation systems of an offshore oil platform during the initial phase of afire has been carried out using the IDA solver (IDA 1991).
Kjell Kolsaker
Me design of a fuzzy rule-based controller for the mixing-box of an air-handling unit is used to demonstrate how data obtained by computer simulation can be used to generate the rules.
A. L. Dexter, M. E. Hawkins
This paper describes the modelling and the experimental validation under ALLAN.TM Simulation software³ of a dwelling subjected to actual indoor and outdoor conditions.
Alexandre Jeandel, K. Boulkroune,Y. Candau, G. Piar
This paper describes a number of issues which building modelling must take into account if it is! to he used as a tool in government policy making and regulatory frameworks.
Alan Pears
An overview of the principles used to develop productive interfaces is presented, and afresh approach to the design and use of Simulation Systems is suggested.
Paul Taplin
This paper describes ongoing research toward the development of simplified techniques for the prediction of air movement in large, naturally ventilated spaces containing hot and/or cold surfaces.
Paul Cooper
The conceptual theory and qualitative structure of a model for the evaluation of life safety in building fires is presented The model is based on a hierarchical framework, which is then overlain with an interactive network to represent the inter?r
A. John Hinks
This paper addresses the development of a prototype system for energy building simulation by coupling commercially available CAD systems for architecture to numerical computational methods.
J. M. S. Dionisio
In this paper we present computational experiments on the efficiency of partitioning of domains on the speed of simulation runs with an object-based solver.
Jean-Michael Nataf, Rolf Ebert
The Energy Kernel System is an advanced machine environment intended to foster the collaborative development of the next generation of performance assessment programs.
J.A. Clarke, D. F. Mac Randal
In this paper the availability of weather data in Australasia in terms of both hourly data for energy simulations and synthesized design day data for cooling and heating load estimation is discussed.
M. Trevor Kingston, Murray D. Mason
A new method to simulate the daylight performance of fenestration systems and spaces is presented.
K. Papamichael, L. Beltran
From a structural perspective, the question is whether temperature changes during the lifetime of a building are sufficient to affect its integrity.
Malcolm J. S. Hirst
