In this paper we present computational experiments on the efficiency of partitioning of domains on the speed of simulation runs with an object-based solver. This exercise is motivated by the emergence of object-based environments where models are encapsulated in objects and communicate with one another, thus yielding extremely modular simulations. Such an approach is convenient for the user. This article tries to determine whether it can be efficient. The case considered is the model problem in heat conduction on a square plate. Runs are performed on a object?based environment called Motor, that allows sub-models to solve themselves before they enter the main iteration between the various sub-models of the problem. Twoto fourfold partitionings are considered, with different Dirichlet boundary conditions and different properties. Finally correlations are obtained and some qualitative and quantitative conclusions are derived.
On the efficiency of partitioning in object-based simulation
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Australia, 1993, p. 259-265