International Building Simulation Conference 1997, Prague, Czech Republic.

Contains 117 papers.

Volume content

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Buoyancy driven flows have always been, and still are, difficult to model using CFD programs. Much validation work is required along with guidelines for the CFD practitioner about how to model such flows.
Malcolm J. Cook, Kevin J. Lomas
A directory of building energy software tools is now available on the web. The directory contains information on more than 100 tools ranging from research software to commercial products with thousands of users.
Drury B. Crawley
Within the framework of full-scale experimental validation of the global building energy simulation software programme CLIM2000, an experimentation has been carried out in a 100 m² real house from Oct 95 to May 96.
Gilles Guyon, Nadia Rahni
An extensive experimental program on single sided natural ventilation was  carried  out  within the frame of PASCOOL EC research project.
Mat Santamouris, Elena Dascalaki
The XCEED™ software tool allows engineers to create textual, mathematical and graphical descriptions of compressed air systems including, but not limited to, compressors, filters, dryers, storage vessels, cooling equipment, piping and utilization
Keith L. Curtner, Patrick J. O’Neill, Don Winter, Paul Bursch
The need for a decrease in the energy consumption of buildings implies an adequate understanding of control strategies. This requires an intensive use of simulation tools for the design and test of controllers of HVAC equipment.
A. Husaunndee, R. Lahrech, H. Vaezi-Nejad, J.C. Visier
The methods for evaluating the thermal performance of each insulation detail alternative with the multidimensional heat transfer simulation are presented to determine the optimal insulation details of the thermal bridges adjacent to hot water pipe
Seung Yeong Song & Kwang Woo Kim
This paper explores a simulation-assisted building control strategy.
Ardeshir Mahdavi
Modelling and simulation play a number of roles in engineering design studies. For Gaz de France, these studies must satisfy exacting criteria of quality and rapidity.
Alexandre Jeandel, Fabrice Boudaud
The effectiveness of simple shading devices in reducing the direct, diffuse and ground reflected components of solar radiation has been measured and compared to simulation predictions of the same. The simulation results were found to be very sensi
D.K.Alexander, K.A.Ku Hassan, P.J.Jones
The U.S. Departments of Energy and Defense (DOE and DOD) are jointly developing EnergyBase, a new building energy simulation tool that builds on the capabilities of BLAST and DOE-2.
D. B. Crawley, F. C. Winkelmann, W. F. Buhl , A. E. Erdem, L. K. Lawrie, C. O. Pedersen, R. J. Liesen, D. E. Fisher, R. K. Strand, R. D. Taylor
Within the framework of the validation methodology of our computer software CLIM2000, we asked 12 users to do the same validation exercise (prediction of energy consumption of a residential house) in order to evaluate the influence of the model us
Gilles Guyon
This paper investigates the implications of the selection of various sky luminance distribution models for the computational prediction of daylight distribution in architectural spaces.
K.P. Lam, A. Mahdavi, V. Pal
This paper describes the methodology used in a simulation process that pretend to compare predicted and measured values.
Helder P. Gonçalves, Marta N. Oliveira & Anita M. Patrício
This is the second of two papers that describe the development of simulation methods for optimally controlled central plant equipment in IBLAST (Integrated Building Loads Analysis and System Thermodynamics).
Russell D. Taylor and Curtis O. Pedersen
The majority of design studies on naturally ventilated that wind power is expected to provide a significant or mechanically ventilated buildings do not take component of the motive force for the ventilation account of the close relationship betwee
Michael J. Holmes & Sara McGowan
Stadium Australia is to be the centrepiece of the year 2000 Sydney Olympics. The architects aimed to minimise energy consumption by incorporating passive design measures which would provide ventilation, natural cooling and warming and daylight.
K. J. Lomas, H. Eppel, M. Cook, and J. Mardaljevic
By describing three recent case-studies, this paper aims to elaborate the current state of building energy modelling and simulation in the Czech Republic in general, and at the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague in particular.
F. Drkal, T. Dunovská, M. Neuzil, V. Skrlant
The traditionally engineering-oriented approach to thermal building simulations tends to leave such analysis tools out of the reach of general design practitioners, especially during the early stages of building design when many of the most influe
Margit Rudy
This paper is concerned with the optimisation of some design criteria for water based active solar space heating systems intended for residential applications in Cyprus.
I. M. Michaelides, D. R. Wilson
