A new generation building simulation tool combines the most important inter-acting physical processes (air infiltration and ventilation, heat transfer, and indoor air quality) in an reliable, effective, and flexible way.
IBPSA 1997 - Prague, Czech Republic
International Building Simulation Conference 1997, Prague, Czech Republic.
Contains 117 papers.
Volume content
The numerical model for verification of various radon protective measures has been developed. This model is based on the partial differencial equation for the two-dimensional steady-state radon transport caused by diffusion and convection.
General models for heat and mass transfer components have been developed for use in TRNSYS [1] thermal system simulations.
The conception of complex buildings with innovative facade elements often demands dynamic building simulations. In some cases the required thermal parameters of the components must be obtained by experimental investigations.
Weather sequences for predicting HVAC system behavior in residential units located in climates tropical | 1997 | English
The purpose of our research deals with the description of a methodology for the definition of specific weather sequences and their influence on the energy needs of HVAC system. We’ll apply the method on the tropical Reunion Island.
Reproducing thermal coupling between components in a generic environment like Matlab | 1997 | English
We show here the actual state of a project based on n object-oriented philosophy, MotorLab.
The implementation of industry foundation classes in simulation tools for the building industry | 1997 | English
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) provide an environment of interoperability among IFC-compliant software applications in the architecture, engineering, construction, and facilities management (AEC/FM) industry.
This paper describes the use of daylight coefficients in a computer tool which is based in Monte Carlo backward ray tracing merthod and was developed under the frame of DAYLIGHT- Europe EC Project.
Influence of modeling uncertainties on the simulation of building thermal comfort performance | 1997 | English
In this paper, the parameters in a building thermal simulation model are tracked, which are subject to modeling uncertainty, i.e. uncertainty arising from commonly applied physical assumptions and simplifications.
This paper reports the first results of an ongoing project aimed at generating design information /knowledge for wet central heating (WCH) refurbishment in multi-family houses in Central Europe.
CA-SIS software has been developed on PC as a tool for engineering offices in their Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning studies.
Energy saving in office buildings: a case study in Rome through the use of DOE-2 and other simulation tools | 1997 | English
A large office building has been the object of a detailed feasibility study in order to select the most effective actions for energy saving in space cooling. Actions concerning the modification of building envelope layout, including materials, sha
Moisture permeability data presented as a mathematical function applicable to heat and moisture transport models | 1997 | English
The physics of moisture transfer is complex and as a result modelling is normally carried out on a macroscopic basis, with empirical coefficients used to simulate the transport process.
A controller for heating systems is normally equipped with many facilities to make it flexible and the heating system more cost-efficient. This results in a number of input parameters to be given by the user.
Combined conduction-convection-radiation heat transfer in concrete block walls with one or two cavities is simulated using the CFD code “FIDAP”.
This paper briefly reviews recent research into the modelling of complex fenestration systems, before presenting some results obtained by the use of a new (developing) simulation model, utilising Monte Carlo Methods and Geometric Optics (ray traci
Calibration of hourly energy simulations using hourly monitored data and monthly utility records for two case study buildings | 1997 | English
This paper presents a calibration methodology using only two to four weeks of hourly monitored and monthly utility records.
Dynamic link of light- and thermal simulation: on the way to integrated planning tools | 1997 | English
A method to evaluate the energy demand for lighting on an hourly basis is presented. The method is based on a raytracer and a dynamic modelling of the sky’s luminance distribution.
Methodology for modelling/simulation of an office building equipped with an air-condicioning system | 1997 | English
This article presents a study of a building-equipment coupled system performed at the Gaz de France R & D Division. The commercial building under study is equipped with an air-conditioning installation which includes a gas-fired dual-seJVice a
A case study is used to introduce a two-step thermal demand calculation for buildings in order to take thermal bridges into consideration.