The set points of supervisory control strategy are optimized with respect to energy use and thermal comfort for existing HVAC systems.
IBPSA 2003 - Eindhoven, Netherlands
International Building Simulation Conference 2003, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Contains 190 papers.
Volume content
Validation of the use of Australian input-output data for building embodied energy simulation | 2003 | English
Traditionally, the simulation of buildings has focused on operational energy consumption in an attempt to determine the potential for energy savings. Whilst operational energy of Australian buildings accounts for around 20% of total energy consum
This paper demonstrates an image-based lighting analysis procedure and tool called Virtual Lighting Laboratory.
Using whole building simulation models and optimizing procedures to optimize building envelope design with respect to energy consumption and indoor enviroment | 2003 | English
Even though simulation is being increasingly used in design of modern buildings, the full potential of simulation is usually not achieved.
Time-varying linear model approximation: application to thermal and airflow building simulation | 2003 | English
Considering the natural ventilation, the thermal behavior of buildings can be described by a linear time varying model.
This paper presents a study of windbreak sheltering effect on the outdoor open space using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques and the wind tunnel experiments carried out for validating the CFD models.
Using DOE 2.1E to evaluate green building costruction opportunities and ventilantion design for Lotus school | 2003 | English
In the standard design process of a building, total building simulation using building simulation software is encouraged to be incorporated into the design process as early as possible.
Thermal comfort at pedestrian levels in a large multi-storey development in maritime tropical climate | 2003 | English
While a lot of attention has been given in the study of indoor air distribution and its thermal performance, buildings clustered together in a development modify the outdoor environment to a great extent and the outdoor thermal performance of such
In this paper an approach for pre-calculating building façade incident irradiance levels under a typical, yet computationally complex, external shading device with state-of-the-art ray tracing simulation techniques is presented.
Use of simulation the design of a large naturally ventilated commercial office building | 2003 | English
The design for the new Federal Building for San Francisco includes an office tower that is to be naturally ventilated.
For the multi-room ventilation calculations, bi- directional flows or counter flows in openings have been rarely taken into consideration and only uni-directional flows have been allowed for the calculation.
The Solum program for predicting temperature profiles in soils: mathematical models and boundary conditions analyses | 2003 | English
Building simulation programs normally do not take into account moisture effects in soils temperature determination.
TRNflow, a new tool for the modelling of heat, air and pollutant transport in buildings within TRNSYS | 2003 | English
Modelling of buildings with natural or hybrid ventilation systems requires the coupling of a thermal and an air flow model because of the strong mutual impact of the thermal and the air flow behaviour.
To provide additional validation data for the multizone airflow and contaminant model, CONTAMW, experiments were performed in an occupied 3-story townhouse in Reston, VA.
Total energy performance of the air conditioning system using outdoor air cooling potential | 2003 | English
From the view point of designing the energy efficient air conditioning system with maximized ventilation, the possibility of an all fresh air system was discussed using the simulation results of a model building in Tokyo.
Using simulation to move from daylighting issues to first use of the new UK carbon emissions calculation method | 2003 | English
The introduction of simulation into medium-scale building services and engineering firms can provide design teams with access to new information about the performance implications of design decisions.
Thermal dynamic models using z-transform coefficients: an algorithm to improve the reability of simulations | 2003 | English
The Transfer Function Method (TFM) is a tool able to solve heat transfer problems in building envelopes and environments and it is recommended by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air- Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
Will equation-based building simulation make it? experiences from the introduction of ida indoor climate and energy | 2003 | English
In building simulation, as in several other domains, traditional monolithic simulation codes are still in dominance over simulators based on symbolic equations in a general modeling language.
Useful waste heat of ventilated pv-modules: physical modelling and validation results | 2003 | English
The "PV/T-Slate" is a recently developed ventilated photovoltaic slate for integration into roofs or facades. As side effect of the cell cooling the heated air can be used. Therefore it is useful to simulate air volume rate and temperature.
The use of computer simulation to establish energy efficiency parameters for a building code of a city in Brazil | 2003 | English
The first energy efficiency law for Brazil was presented in 2001, which required that buildings should have some energy efficiency regulation. Salvador city building code was then submitted to a study to include energy efficiency par