International Building Simulation Conference 2003, Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Contains 190 papers.

Volume content

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Air  infiltration  through  revolving doors may have significant impact on the heating load of commercial and institutional spaces, and may create discomfort to people. This paper modifies a 40-year old model by Schutrum et al.
Hanneke van Schijndel, Radu Zmeureanu, Ted Stathopoulos
In this study, formulae for predicting projected area factors and view factors of individual body parts of standing and sedentary humans for detailed radiation analysis were developed.
K. Kubaha, D. Fiala and K. J. Lomas
The  software  Sim_Zonal  is  a  tool  for  evaluating indoor temperature and air flow distributions for residential and office buildings.
Etienne Wurtz, Francis Deque, Laurent Mora
The aim of the European SSHORT (Sustainable Social Housing Refurbishment Technologies) project is to increase and promote rational and efficient use of energy in the retrofitting of social housing buildings.
N.Chatagnon, C. Dalibart, S. Karjalainen, K. Klobut, I. Koronaki, P. Puccetti
This study is aimed to contribute to energy saving and to achieve the indoor thermal comfort by preventing the down draft along the window in building with less heating energy than the common equipment, e.g. FCU.
Yasuo Utsumi, Hiroshi Kobayashi and Ryushi Kimura
Two room air conditioners were modeled in order to predict the total cooling capacity, the sensible cooling capacity and the Energy Efficiency Ratio (E.E.R.) of each appliance.
Gustavo Cherem-Pereira and Nathan Mendes
We consider a strictly three-dimensional modeling technique as a basis for numerical simulations. Applications range from
Christoph van Treeck, Richard Romberg, Ernst Rank
Computational  Fluid  Dynamics  (CFD)  software  is increasingly being used to predict the effects of wind on buildings and on the people in and around them.
Garry Palmer, Bernardo Vazquez, Graham Knapp, Nigel Wright
This paper describes a performance-based evolution model using GA as the evolution algorithm and CFD as the evaluation mechanism.
Ali M. Malkawi, Ravi S. Srinivasan, Yun Kyu Yi and Ruchi Choudhary
Skylights   can   offer   useful   benefits  in  reducing building energy consumption and improving building occupants satisfaction.
A. Laouadi, A. Galasiu, M. Atif, A. Haqqani
This paper presents a computational environment for performance-based integrated building enclosure de- sign and control support.
Ardeshir Mahdavi and Prechaya Mahattanatawe
This   paper   demonstrates   one   step   forward   in   the development of virtual laboratories that can be used for the development and test of HVAC control systems. While predefined parameters are used for standard tests, individual tests of c
Peter Riederer
Approximately 60 percent of the weight of all wastes in Germany originates from the building area. For construction activities usually non-renewable resources are used.
Frank Neuberg, Ernst Rank, Christian Ekkerlein, Martin Faulstich
The   Loop   Equation   Design   Method   has   been proposed for sizing ventilation airflow components of natural and hybrid ventilation systems.
Steven J. Emmerich and W. Stuart Dols
This paper will address the shortcomings of typical heat balance-based HVAC design and analysis software when applied to thermal displacement ventilation (TDV) system design.
Thomas A. Lunneberg
Within the framework of energy  management in a tertiary building, it is necessary to evaluate the possibilities of cold energy storage.
Christophe Adam, Philippe Andre
Building energy simulation is playing an increasingly important role in building energy codes. This paper investigates the important underlying issues affecting the use of building energy simulation for enhancing building energy codes.
Sam C. M. Hui
Condensation    and    mold    problems    have    been identified as one of the severest IAQ problems in Japan.
Liu Jing, Yoshihiro Aizawa, Hiroshi Yoshino
The  design  choice  for  any wall  system must  be integrated with some moisture engineering analysis.
Achilles N. Karagiozis, Mikael Salonvaara, Andreas Holm and Hartwig Kuenzel
This paper presents the background, approach and initial results of a project, which aims to  achieve better integrated building and systems control modeling in building performance simulation by run- time coupling of distributed computer programs
Azzedine Yahiaoui, Jan Hensen, Luc Soethout
