AIVC Technical Note 68 (TN 68) "Residential Ventilation and Health” is one of the outcomes of the work performed under the framework
Ventilation Information Papers
Ventilation Information Papers
Volume content
Worldwide, there is an increasing number of publications related to air cleaning and sales of gas phase air cleaning products.
Building airtightness tests have become very common in several countries, either to comply with minimum requirements of regulations or programmes, or to justify input values in calculation methods.
Ventilation Information Paper no40 "Ductwork airtightness - A review", aims to complement Ventilation Information Paper VIP 01 “Airtightness
VIP 39: A review of performance-based approaches to residential smart ventilation | 2019 | English | 8 pp
Ventilation Information Paper no39: “A review of performance-based approaches to residential smart ventilation” provides an overview of the regulations and standards proposing “performance-based approaches” in five countries to promote the use of
In March 2017, AIVC identified smart ventilation for buildings as a new and important topic to be addressed.
This Ventilation Information Paper analyses both the policy instruments used (regulatory requirements and incentives, specific programme requirements, quality frameworks for testers and builders) and the changes observed in practice in terms of bu
In a recent review of 31 green building certification schemes used around the world, IAQ was found to contribute to only 7.5% of the final score on average.
This report summarises the outcome of the work of the initial working phase of IEA ECB Annex 62 Ventilative Cooling and is based on the findings in the participating countries.
Air supplied by ventilation plants and air conditioning systems carries small particles whose size depends on filtration device efficiency.
VIP 33: CO2 as indicator for the indoor air quality - General principles | 2010 | English, French | 4 pp
The role of CO2 to control the indoor air quality in buildings is based on the fact that CO2 developed by people breathing may be used as a marker for the bio-effluents produced by people.
For the near future the expectation of experts is that the most promising systems will be based on demand-controlled hybrid ventilation technologies.
VIP 31: Humidity Controlled Exhaust Ventilation in Moderate Climate | 2009 | English, French | 12 pp
Born with the energetic crisis, humidity controlled ventilation has been introduced in regions with a moderate climate as a means to fight condensation problems induced by tighter building construction and lower heating temperatures.
VIP 30: An overview of national trends related to innovative ventilation systems | 2008 | English | 4 pp
This paper summarises presentations and discussions that took place during the workshop entitled “Trends in national building ventilation markets and drivers for change” held in Ghent, Belgium, in March 2008 with a specific focus on innovative (ve
VIP 29: An overview of national trends in envelope and ductwork airtightness | 2008 | English | 6 pp
This paper summarises presentations and discussions that took place during the workshop entitled “ Trends in national building ventilation markets and drivers for change” held in Ghent, Belgium, in march 2008 with a specific focus on envelope and
VIP 28: IAQ and ventilation efficiency with respect to pollutants inside automobiles | 2008 | English, French | 6 pp
Recently, there has been a growing public concern over indoor air quality not only in buildings but also in vehicles.
VIP 27: Trends in the Czech building ventilation market and drivers for changes | 2008 | English | 8 pp
The Czech Republic is a landlocked country located in the centre of Europe. The area of the Czech Republic is 78,866 km2 and its population is about 10.4 million people.
VIP 26: Trends in the Korean building ventilation market and drivers for changes | 2008 | English | 11 pp
Apartment buildings are the most common type of residence in Korea, but since the 1970s it was difficult to supply fresh air due to airtight exterior walls that were constructed with energy conservation in mind.
VIP 25: Trends in the Japanese building ventilation market and drivers for changes | 2008 | English | 16 pp
Technology in building physics and mechanical engineering for building ventilation may not be totally new area and must have rather long history and much knowledge accumulation of their own.
VIP 24: Trends in the Polish building ventilation market and drivers for changes | 2008 | English | 9 pp
The Polish ventilation market is changing rapidly.