Ventilation Information Papers

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Performance based indoor climate and ventilation regulations, having mainly been based on the requirements for the end result with fewer requirements for the system description, supported by a voluntary advanced indoor climate classification and l
Kurnitski J., Seppänen O.
Building ventilation has been covered by French regulations for many years.
Durier F.
Attention for and implementation of ventilation systems is a relatively new phenomena in Belgium (where the three Regions are in charge of regulations related to ventilation).
Wouters, P.; Heijmans, N.; Delmotte, C.; Van den Bossche P., Wuyts, D.
This Information Paper has been written in the framework of the Building AdVent project and reviews recent changes in the Building Regulations in England and Wales introduced in 2006 to facilitate the implementation of the EPBD.
Kolokotroni M.
This VIP focuses on best practice, as well as challenges, for the conditioning of the indoor environment in passenger aircraft cabins, and their implications from a ventilation stand-point.
Rydock J. P.
The 2nd European BlowerDoor Symposium “Airtight building envelope, thermography and dwelling-ventilation” took place on the16th and 17th March 2007 in Kassel, Germany.
Rosenthal B.
The European Directive 2002/91/EC on the energy performance of buildings (the EPBD) imposes to the EU member states several different measures to achieve a more rational use of energy resources and to reduce the environmental impact of the energy
De Gids W.F.
Ceiling fans are one of the more credible techniques to decrease the energy consumption for air conditioning and improve comfort.
Santamouris M.
Existing thermal comfort standards and methods cover mainly thermal comfort conditions under steady state conditions.
Santamouris M.
The present Ventilation Information Paper aims to present the basic knowledge on the use of earth to air heat exchangers. The increased need for air conditioning has made alternative passive and hybrid cooling techniques very attractive.
Santamouris M.
An intentional or accidental large-scale airborne toxic release (e.g. terrorist attacks or industrial accidents) can cause severe harm to nearby communities.
Chan W.R., Price P.N. , Gadgil A.J.
In the past and still often today, building regulations and standards don't reflect the state-of-the art with respect to the performance assessment of buildings in terms of energy use and indoor climate.
Wouters P.
If the building envelope is not airtight enough, significant amounts of energy may be lost due to exfiltrating air, or damage to structural elements may occur due to condensation.
Dorer V., Tanner C., Weber A.
VIP Indoor Air Pollutants, Part 1 defined major types of indoor air pollutants, their measurement, and concentrations guidelines.
Levin H.
A heat recovery unit transfers heat (some units also moisture) from the exhaust air stream over to the supply air stream, thus reducing the heat loss due to ventilation, and reducing the need to condition the cold supply air.
Schild P.G.
The principle of displacement ventilation involves air supply and distribution in a room by upwards displacement, i.e. as direct as possible through-flow in the occupied zone in order to achieve high ventilation efficiency.
Schild P.G.
Addressing successful solutions to counterbalance the energy and environmental effects of air conditioning is a strong requirement for the future.
Santamouris M.
Natural ventilation is one of the most effective passive cooling techniques.
Santamouris M.
Pollutants found in indoor air are often several times higher than outdoors. Indoor air pollutants cause effects ranging from odor, annoyance, and irritation to illness, cancer, and even death.
Levin H.
The necessity to make waterproof sanitary water ducts or central heating tubing and to make airtight natural gas distribution tubing is of primary importance to both construction professionals and the public.
Delmotte C.
