Numerical simulation guided design of novel experimental chamber used to assess the effectiveness of ventilation strategies with hygro-regulated air terminals

Ensuring acceptable indoor air quality (IAQ) is critical for managing built environments. This is done by ventilating spaces with outdoor air to keep indoor pollutants like CO2, humidity, particulate matter, and VOCs within healthy levels. The effectiveness of ventilation strategies depends on factors like occupancy, pollutant types, and air terminal devices, which can be influenced by outdoor air quality, especially in urban areas with particulate matter and NOx. Ventilation devices can operate with constant airflow or adjust based on occupancy.

A thermal comfort study on displacement ventilation in the tropics

This paper presents the performance of a displacement ventilation system in a thermalchamber with tropical subjects. The chamber is served by an Air-Conditioning andMechanical Ventilation (ACMV) system in either Mixing or Displacement Ventilation modes.In the experiments, tropical subjects were surveyed with respect to their thermal sensationsunder different room conditions in either displacement ventilation or mixing ventilation.Objective measurements such as room air temperature, air velocity and relative humidity weremeasured at different heights in the chamber.

Investigation of human thermal comfort under highly transient conditions for automative applications Part 2 : thermal sensation modeling

This paper focuses on the mathematical modeling of dynamic human thermal comfort under highly transient conditions for automotive applications. A combined physiological and psychological modeling approach was taken. First, the transient environmental and human activity data, plus the
clothing insulation data, were used as inputs to a human thermal model to determine the physiological responses for the vehicle thermal environmental conditions. Secondly, a series

Investigation of human thermal comfort under highly transient conditions for automative applications Part 1 : experimental design and human subject testing implementation

This paper focuses on the experimental research of developing models to effectively predict the dynamic whole body and local thermal comfort under highly transient conditions. Two approaches were taken subsequently. The first step was to collect environmental data with a testing vehicle under transient and non-uniform conditions. An environmental chamber was used to simulate 16 typical winter and summer conditions, which fully covered the range of thermal conditions necessary

Performance test results for large coupled indoor/outdoor environmental simulator (C-I/O-ES)

This paper provides a summary of the methods and results of performance testing for a coupled Indoor/Outdoor Environmental Simulator (C-I/O-ES). The simulator consists of an IEQ chamber, a climate chamber, and a replaceable separation/test wall assembly. Both chambers have stainless steel interior surfaces and are equipped with independent heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for simulating indoor and outdoor thermal and air quality conditions, respectively.

Modelling of emissions of total volatile organic compounds in an Australian house.

A simplified indoor air quality (IAQ) model has been applied to predict IAQ in an Australian house, using environmental chamber measurements of source strengths, house ventilation and room size. Total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) was used as the model pollutant in this study. The validity of the IAQ model was initially assessed by comparing model predictions with measurements in the house over a period of time. The root mean square error between the measured and predicted values was 0.039. This model explains 57% of the potential for error.
