The combined effects of temperature and humidity on initial emittable formaldehyde concentration of a medium-density fiberboard

Individual effects of temperature and humidity on formaldehyde emissions from manufactured fiberboards have been studied previously, but their combined effects and possible correlation with initial emittable concentration (C0) of building materials have not been reported yet. This paper investigated their combined effects on C0 theoretically from microcosmic perspective. Total formaldehyde content related to humidity and formaldehyde molecular phases affected by temperature in the porous material were considered.

Airflow Pattern And Performance Analysis of Diffuse Ceiling Ventilation in An Office Room using CFD Study

Diffuse ceiling ventilation uses perforations in the suspended ceiling to deliver air into the occupied zone. Due to the complex geometry of the diffuser, it is not possible to build an exact geometrical model in CFD simulation. Two numerical models are proposed in this study, one is a simplified geometrical model and the other is a porous media model. The numerical models are validated by the full-scale experimental studies in a climate chamber.

Short-term prediction of weather parameters using online weather forecasts

While people need to know tomorrow’s weather to decide suitable activities and precautions, so do the “intelligent” building management systems. The accuracy of the short-term prediction of the ambient conditions is particularly import for the development  of predictive control strategies.

Measurement of temperature distribution and CO2 concentration in a space-heated classroom

The winter thermal environment and indoor air quality in classrooms has been reported to be very poor in Japan. In this study, an air-conditioned, mechanically ventilated classroom was surveyed. Air temperature, globe temperature and the concentration of CO2 were monitored before, during and after the three-hour occupancy by 35 adults. Airtightness and airflow rates of the ventilation system were also measured.

A Measurement Study on the Indoor Climate of a College Classroom

To clarify the indoor climate in Japanese college classrooms, an air-conditioned, mechanically ventilated classroom of a university was surveyed. Temperatures, humidity and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in winter and summer were measured before, during and after lessons. The airtightness of the room and the airflow rate of the ventilation system were also measured. In winter, at an outdoor air temperature around 0 ºC and with the thermostat temperature of the air conditioners set to 30 ºC, the vertical difference in room air temperature exceeded 10 ºC.

Application of a Thermal Manikin to Evaluate Heat Loss Rates from People caused by Variations in Air Velocity and Air Temperature

Heat loss monitoring from a thermal manikin was undertaken representing an occupant in a classroom during a lesson period of 80 minutes in which the room temperature was increased from 21 to 24C for various airflow velocity configurations. A group of subjects was exposed to various conditions of temperature and airflow rate so that the impact of these variations on their surface/skin temperature could be determined. It was found that skin temperature remained stable and close to 34C for all conditions of exposure.

Effects of Coupled Heat and Moisture Transfers through Walls upon Indoor Environment Predictions

The non-uniform behaviour of the air inside a room, which is important in comfort analysis, can be evaluated by zonal models. While not as fine-grained as CFD simulation, they do give useful information about temperature and moisture distributions that is not available from lumped-parameter models. Therefore, we have developed a tool, called SimSPARK, to automatically build dynamic zonal simulations of a building zone.

Winter Temperatures in New Zealand Houses

Living room winter temperatures are explored using data from 397 randomly selectedhouses from the Household Energy End-use Project (HEEP). HEEP has collected energyand temperature data on a statistically representative sample of New Zealand houses(Latitudes 35S46S). Initial analysis of the winter (June-August) living roomtemperatures shows that heating type, climate, and house age are important drivers ofindoor temperatures. On average, houses heated by solid fuel are the warmest, withhouses heated by portable LPG and electric heaters the coldest.

Exploration of Summer Temperatures in New Zealand Houses and the Temperature Drivers

The Household Energy End-use Project (HEEP) has collected energy and temperaturedata on 397 randomly selected houses throughout New Zealand, providing a statisticallyrepresentative national sample. This database has been used to explore the drivers ofsummer indoor temperatures. The general lack of air-conditioning means that summertemperatures are affected by passive influences (e.g. house design, construction)compared to winter temperatures where space heating is used.


Limited data are available for understanding indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and the related healtheffects in schools in China.
