Briefly notes the significance of ventilation heat losses for energy consumption. Notes the main sources of air pollutants in indoor air and the recommended fresh air rates per person for housing, for smokers and non-smokers. Notes the need for a well-sealed facade with mechanical ventilation and for judicious facade leakiness in the absence of mechanical ventilation. Notes the long-term need is for improved control of air infiltration. Notes briefly the AIC publication "Air infiltration control in housing".
Notes that air infiltration in buildings affects the room air quality and the occupants, the building construction in connection with moisture exchange processes and the heating and cooling loads. Lists papers dealing with typical aspects of air infiltration and/or buildings which are too well sealed. Defines basic concepts relating to air infiltration and ventilation in buildings to promote constructive discussions between concerned professionals. Examines the consequences of uncontrolled air infiltration. Treats research and development work relating to controlled air infiltration.
Diffusion-type passive monitors were placed for a two-week period in each of 303 residences in the New Haven (Conn.) area during a 12 week sampling period January to April 1983. For each home NO2 levels were recorded outdoors, and in three ro
To update the National Association of Home Builders Thermal Performance Guidelines, models were developed, representative of the new houses being constructed in each American state. The models define the number and types of windows and doors,
The heating and cooling loads due to air infiltration may be estimated by a mathematical model that requires knowledge of the leakage characteristics of each component of the envelope. To extend the modelisation to the pitched roofs common in Portugal, characteristics of roofs were determined by a differential pressure method.
As more component leakage test data become available, all available data has been merged using the orifice flow equation for a standard pressure differential of 50 Pa existing across the component. All component leakage areas are added to pro
Compares in tables international requirements for housing regarding ventilation requirements of the entire dwelling, plus kitchen, bathrooms and W.C.s, living rooms and bedrooms. Discusses them. Examines the efficiency of ventilation openings and the requirements made on them. Discusses air flow through a house and the effect of wind forces. Notes how effective pressure difference is affected by the distribution of joints and air leaks.
Adduces the economic advantages of weatherstripping for energy conservation, performance criteria and future developments in materials and fixings. Mentions the advantageous psychological response of personnel. Describes the factors influencing performance - window section, location of seal andinstallation method. Briefly describes the work of the Draughtproofing Advisory Association (DAA). Refers to BS 4315 and demonstrates need for new standards based on air flow measurement round total opening perimeter.