Combined thermal and air leakage performance of double windows

Notes heat flow through double windows due to temperature difference and air infiltration have usually been calculated separately. Tests combined effect of air pressure and temperature difference on three double hung prime windows in combination with various storm windows. Found that calculation of infiltration and transmission losses separately gives higher heating requirements than necessary and that air leakage increases with temperature differential. An overall heat transfer coefficient is determined

Comparison of measured and computer-predicted thermal performance of a four bedroom wood-frame townhouse.

Measurements of the dynamic heat transfer in a four-bedroom townhouse were made under controlled conditions in a large environmental chamber to explore the viability of a computer program developed at N.B.S. labelled NBSLD for predicting heating and cooling loads and inside temperatures. Test house was factory-produced, of modular design and lightweight (wood) construction. Tests were performed with simulated outside summer, winter and autumn diurnal temperature cycles. Inside temperature was maintained at 75 f and the activities of a six-member family were simulated.

An automated controlled-flow air infiltration measurement system.

Presents description of an automated, controlled-flow air infiltration measurement system. This system measures total air flow, a volume per unit time, due to infiltration in a test space. Data analysis is discussed and the mixing problem analysed. Different modes of operating the system are considered : (1) concentration decay, (2) continuous flow in a single chamber and (3) continuous flow in a multichamber enclosure. Problems associated with the use of nitrous oxide as a tracer gas are described.

Residential air infiltration

When attempting to determine heating/cooling requirement of a home a difference in infiltration can drastically affect heating/cooling requirement imposed on air conditioning system. Describes "the super sucker" machine designed to depressurise homes so that infiltration can be measured under simulated windconditions and each area of leakage isolated. Illustrates machine photographically. Gives method of determining air change rates. Summarises test data for several homes which indicatethat infiltration could be effectively reduced by use of various caulking compounds.

Approaches to evaluation of air infiltration energy losses in buildings.

Outlines parameters governing air infiltration. Discusses problem areas of house to house comparisons of air leakage. Deals primarily with tracer gas procedure as compared with pressurisation/depressurisation approach. Describes testing in townhouses of recent construction as well as in a number of older homes of varied design. Uses roof-top laboratory test chamber to examine relations between wind effects, buoyancy effects and building openings and how they effect air infiltration. Uses results to clarify evaluation of air infiltration.

The calculation of house infiltration rates.

Describes how in 1960-62 National Research Council of Canada conducted air infiltration measurements on 2 single-storey houses using helium as a tracer gas, followed in 1967-68 by measurement of air leakage characteristics using house pressurisation technique. Describes procedure developed from these tests for calculating infiltration rates. Gives equations for calculating infiltration due to stack effect and that due to wind action. Gives equation for combined effect.

Air infiltration effects on the thermal transmittance of concrete building systems.

Describes field measurements of thermal transmittance using portable guarded hotbox equipment on 2 types of concrete walls. Air leakage measurements of these same 2 types of concrete systems were made in the laboratory. Describes test methods. Illustrates measurement equipment and effects of infiltration diagrammatically. Concludes that it is not known how typical either wall system was, and further research is underway to evaluate other types of concrete building systems for air infiltration effects on thermal transmittance.

A method for predicting air infiltration rates for a tall building surrounded by lower structures of uniform height.

Describes wind tunnel measurements made on a model of a tall building surrounded by lower buildings under various combination of wind speed, wind angle and air temperature. Gives method for calculation of air infiltration rates and describes the computer program used. Concludes that air infiltration is a strong function of wind direction. Finds that maximum air infiltration was produced by a wind that approached at 0 deg and the minimum air infiltration occurred at 75 deg wind angle.

Savings through CO2 based ventilation.

Suggests many ways of reducing outdoor air admitted to a building. Notes importance of measuring minimum air flow to ensure adequate ventilation. Suggests measuring the concentration of CO2 in indoor atmosphere and using the results to control incoming ventilation. Describes simple and inexpensive implementation of the technique.
