Dynamic characteristics of air infiltration.

Reports study of air infiltration through experimental windows installed in a normal office building. Air change rate was measured using carbon dioxide as a tracer gas. Pressure drop across window, wind velocity and direction were recorded . Finds that air leakage measured was generally quite different from that which could be calculated. Postulates reason for this is complex process caused by dynamically varying pressure differential across the window, flow occurring through window in both directions simultaneously and to particular experimental configuration used.

Air infiltration measurements in a four-bedroom townhouse using sulphur hexafluoride as a tracer gas.

Reports measurements in title. House was contained in environmental chamber with control over inside and outside temperature with essentially no wind velocity. Observes familiar correlation between inside-outside temperature difference andinfiltration rate, and effect of sealing doors and ducts underconditions of negligible wind velocity. Compares different methods of collecting air samples for analysis and compares SF6 measurements with air exchange rates imposed on the house by means of a centrifugal blower.

Nomograph estimates air infiltration, heat removal.

The nomograph estimates air infiltration du to wind and the amount of heat removed by any quantity of heated air. It supplements the September HPAC Data Sheet on air infiltration into buildings due to temperature differences (stack effect)

Nomograph estimates air infiltration due to stack effect.

Air movement into and out of a building is caused by pressure differences created by fans, wind, and/or differences in air density. The latter factor is called the chimney or stack effect and, generally, is due to a higher temperature inside a building than outside.

Air infiltration and its effect in buildings. Rakennusten ilmavuotojen aiheuttajista ja vaikutuksista.

Points out that difficulty in calculating fortuitous ventilation in buildings caused by infiltration means that energy demand of a building contributed by it is scarcely ever known. Provides equations describing infiltration due to pressure differences, which in turn are caused by wind conditions, inside/ outdoor temperature differences and possible influence of mechanical ventilation systems. Describes computer program developed in Finland to calculate air infiltration. Demonstrates infiltration rates in houses.

Air infiltration into rooms in multi-storey buildings. Tobbszintes epuletek helyisegeinek filtracios levegogorgalma.

Presents simplified methods for the evaluation of the infiltration of air in industrial and public buildings. Relationships are illustrated by examples.

Wind and trees: air infiltration effects on energy in housing

Conducts series of tunnel tests to examine ways in which wind influence air infiltration energy losses in housing. Develops qualitative model for air infiltration based upon a linear relationship between air flow and pressure difference across walls and roof surfaces. Tests a variety of wind-house orientations with the model. Assesses and compares sheltering effects provided by solid fences, adjacent houses and tall evergreen trees. NOTES See also later study by Mattingly et al. abstract no.187

Air change rates in buildings. Byginingers luftskifte

Summarises results of research project comprising survey of air tightness and natural air change rates in various types of residential building. Briefly describes equipment for pressurization tests and tracer gas measurements. Compares properties, range of measurement and cost of 5 different tracer gases. Provides some results from measurements in 53 single family houses and 28 flats. 9 of tested dwellings had their tightness improved and supplementary measurements made.

The effect of wind on energy consumption in buildings.

Treats 4 mechanisms of building heat exchange with the environment and their effect on overall energy consumption: 1) air infiltration and exfiltration, pressure distributions and gradients and resulting mass transfer at building surfaces; 2) influence on surface heat transmission of turbulent mixing of air close to building surface and mechanisms causing this mixing; 3) how air circulation around buildings strongly affects air conditioning cooling towers and how incorrect location of ventilation inlets and exhausts can reduce thermal efficiencies of cooling equipment and increase fan power

Air infiltration in high rise buildings Infiltrace vzduchu ve vyskovych budovach.

Provides results of measurements of air infiltration and natural air movement in 3 high rise buildings (flats, university, offices). Gives measurements of pressure differences at doors and windows and between windward and leeward sides of buildings. Determines air flow through selected rooms by CO2 concentration measurements. States that data have contributed information towards new edition of Czechoslovak standard CSN 06 0210 concerning infiltration heat loss calculation in buildings.
