The common way to determine air infiltration, exfiltration and interzonal flows from tracer gas measurements in multizoned buildings is to rely upon the standard single or multizone model, Vc(t) = Qc(t)+p(t) . Here c, p are zonal tracer concentrations and injections, t is time and V, Q are the sought volumes and flows. This model may work well provided that all zones are sufficiently well mixed and all flows really are constant during the measurements. The latter can be doubtful in naturally ventilated buildings, especially as the measurements may require several hours.
Although the power law has been broadly accepted in measurement and air infiltration standards, and in many air infiltration calculation methods, the assumption that the power law is true over the range of pressures that a building envelope experiences has not been well documented. In this paper, we examine the validity of the power law through theoretical analysis, laboratory measurements of crack flow and detailed field tests of building envelopes.
It has been estimated in the Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems Strategy Plan (IEA, 1994c) that about one quarter of all energy is consumed in dwellings within the countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and De
The stack effect provides the driving force for vertical air movement within buildings. Its effects are especially pronounced in high rise developments, where the air leakage associated with elevators, stairs and service shafts can be a major concern. Stairwells and lift shafts themselves provide occupant access to those floors above or below ground level as well as providing routes for the movement of air. A knowledge therefore of the air movement characteristics if such shafts is vital in understanding the ventilation and leakage patterns in medium and high rise buildings.
Provides a platform for the dissemination of information related to infiltration, ventilation, indoor air quality and energy use within buildings by means of a survey and analysis of current research. The current survey reports on research projects from over 250 sources worldwide. The sections include an analysis of the results of the survey, a detailed list of survey replies, which is also available in searchable database format, and contact names and addresses for researchers.