Air Infiltration Through Weatherstripped and Non-Weatherstripped Windows; LOCATION = North America;

This report describes research undertaken to investigate the various factors affecting the air infiltration through windows. These factors examined include: 1) The effect of edge and face clearance or window fit 2) The effect of groove clearance on weatherstripping 3) The effect of weatherstripping 4) The effect of locking windows 5) A comparison of infiltration and exfiltration through windows 6) The effect of sash shrinkage, and 7) Theeffect of one-piece storm windows.

Air Leakage Measurement of Large Building; LOCATION = North America;

The purpose of this research project is for the Thermal Engineering Section of NBS to conduct air leakage measurements on selected large buildings tovalidate calculation formula developed by Shaw and Tamura, (see Shaw, C.Y., and Tamura, G.T., 'The Calculation of Air Infiltration Rate Caused by Wind and Stack Action for Tall Buildings', ASHRAE Trans., Vol. 83 part 2).


A comprehensive computer program for the prediction of air flow and smoke migration in the building was applied to the 11 story administration building of the National Bureau of Standards. Natural air leakage rates under various climatic conditions for several ventilation system operations were obtained. The computed results were compared with measured air leakage rate by using the sulphur hexafluoride tracer gas technique. Smoke migration was simulated for the selected pressurization conditions.


This is done by means of a fan pressing air into the interior of a not air-tight greenhouse. The amount of exchanged air is measured by equipping the fan with a wind tunnel, it is depending on the difference of pressure between the inside and outside of the greenhouse. The difference of pressure and the air exchange figures are applied to the natural conditions in the case of different air velocities.

Field air leakage of newly installed residential windows.

Air leakage characteristics of 192 new windows installed in new residential construction representative of those units commonly installed in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan Area have been measured and evaluated. The tested windows represented all major operation types, window material types and manufacturers represented in this market segment. The air leakage data obtained in the field were compared to industry and government standards and manufacturers reports for reference.

Thermal insulation - determination of airtightness of buildings. Generell metode for tetthetsproving av bygninger.

Describes a procedure for determination of the rate of air leakage through a building's exterior envelope resulting from specified air pressure differences. The method, based on Swedish standard SS 021551, can be used tomeasure the whole building leakage or just a specific part of the envelope. The air flow and the pressure differences are recorded for a number of pressure differences, both positive and negative.

Skymark 1 Air Leakage Study. Final Report.

A study was conducted to determine the air leakage rates in Skymark 1, a high rise condominium in Toronto, particularly air leakage rates of the exterior walls of "Florida Rooms" which were constructed by the enclosure of original open balconies.

The ventilation rate and airtightness of the covered public swimming bath at Wetteren. De ventilatie in en de luchtdichtheid van het overdekt gemeentelijk zwembad teWetteren.

Describes the measurement of air change rate and airtightness of a mechanically ventilated public swimming bath in Belgium. The relationship between airtightness and air change rate is outlined. Various methods of calculating the air leakage from the pressurization results are compared. Nitrous oxide was used for the tracer gas measurements, which were made both with and without the mechanical ventilation system working. The LBL model was used to calculate the air infiltration rate.

Rapid thermal calibration of houses.

Presents a detailed description of the measurement technique and apparatus used to measure the air change rate in the Spencer St and Linford low-energy houses in Milton Keynes, UK. An automatic air infiltration rig using nitrous oxide tracer gas constant decay was used. Air leakage was also measured by pressurization for the Linford houses and some from the neighbouring Pennyland project.
