Describes the measurement of air change rate and airtightness of a mechanically ventilated public swimming bath in Belgium. The relationship between airtightness and air change rate is outlined. Various methods of calculating the air leakage from the pressurization results are compared. Nitrous oxide was used for the tracer gas measurements, which were made both with and without the mechanical ventilation system working. The LBL model was used to calculate the air infiltration rate.
The ventilation rate and airtightness of the covered public swimming bath at Wetteren. De ventilatie in en de luchtdichtheid van het overdekt gemeentelijk zwembad teWetteren.
Bibliographic info:
Wetenschappelijk en Technisch Centrum voor het Bouwbedrijf, 1985. 55p. 13 figs, 19 tabs, 9 refs. #DATE 00:08:1985 in Dutch