A simplified model of thermal comfort.

The principal environmental factors that affect human comfort are air temperature, mean radiant temperature, humidity and air speed. Presents asimplified model of thermal comfort based on the original work of Fanger, whorelated thermal comfort to total thermal stress on the body. The simplified solutions allow the calculations of predicted mean vote (PMV) and effective temperature which (in the comfort zone) are linear in the air temperature and mean radiant temperature, and quadratic in the dew point, and which can be calculated without any iteration.

Measurements of intercell airflows in large buildings using multiple tracer gases.

Presents the results to date of the use of the multiple tracer gas technique to determine interzonal airflow and ventilation rates in large, multicelled buildings like offices. This work is part of a wider project designed toextend knowledge of natural ventilation in all types of buildings other than dwellings.

An improved multiple tracer gas technique for the calculation of air movement in buildings.

Describes a series of tests carried out in two interconnected environmental chambers, to determine the accuracy of airflows calculated from tracer gas measurements using a new rapid sampling system. The system is capable of measuring 3 tracer gases simultaneously.

The assessment of the interaction of airborne contamination with building ventilation performance.

Investigations have been carried out over the last three years in industrial buildings having a variety of manufacturing processes. Data were collected on contaminant source and behaviour, exhaust ventilation, supply air, workroom pressure differentials, air currents in the workroom and discharges from exhaust ventilation systems. From these measurements a workroom air balance was drawn up and the re-entrainment of contamination from discharge into the breathing zone of people in the workroom was studied.

Comparison of model and full scale natural ventilation studies.

Undertakes a comparison of full scale and model scale internal velocities of naturally ventilated rooms. The FSEC Passive Cooling Lab, an experimental building with a fixed roof supported by columns, whose floor plan and ceilings are reconfigurable, located at Cape Canaveral in Florida, is the building used in this study. The full scale tests were conducted during evening and early night to provide an almost thermally neutral atmosphere, during February and March 1982.

Reduction of humidity in residential buildings by natural ventilation. Feuchtigkeitsabfuhr aus wohnungen durch naturliche luftung.

Ventilation requirements for the reduction of humidity. Required air change rates for hygiene and moisture removal for various rooms are given. Air flow rates are calculated for natural ventilation with closed windows, hopper windows and controlled ventilation. Ventilation by window opening is discussed. Gives examples of the transfer of moisture within a building, and the main reasons for ventilation, with particular emphasis on moisture removal. Lists danger of condensation on various building elements, causes and remedies. Advises on ventilation measures.

Influence of air turbulence on the convective surface-heat-transfer coefficient.

The physical reason for draughts is in the first place the convective surface-heat-transfer coefficient. To find out about the influence of turbulence on draughts, it is necessary to carry out measurements of the surface-heat-transfer coefficient in relation to air turbulence. The results of first measurements of this kind are the subject of this paper.

Why low air velocities may cause thermal discomfort?

In this paper a hypothesis is set up for explaining the discrepancies between the relatively high acceptable air velocities found during many earlier climate chamber tests, and the much lower acceptable velocities found under many practical circ

Air movement and draught.

One hundred subjects were exposed to air velocities fluctuating in the same manner as in typically ventilated spaces in practice. Each subject participated in three experiments at 20, 23 and 26 degrees C, dressed toobtain a neutral thermal sensation. In each experiment the subject was exposed to six mean velocities from 0.05 to 0.40 m/s. He was asked whether and wherehe could feel air movement and whether it felt uncomfortable. A relation was established between the percentage of people feeling draught and the mean velocity. The subjects were most sensitive to draught on the head region.

Radon concentration, source strength and ventilation rate - how well do we know the connections?

The simple steady state model which is frequently used to relate radon concentration (C), source strength (S) and ventilation rate (l/tau) is expressed in the equation C=S tau. The assumptions of this model are given and their validity explor
