Overview of practice in various countries.


Airtightness construction trends.

mechanical ventilation is needed to avoid indoor air quality problems. Many new conventional houses have low natural air change rates ...... and are tight enough to require mechanical ventilation, but most have none.

Airtightness performances in new Belgian dwellings.

A systematic analysis of recently constructed dwellings in the Flemish Region has been undertaken within the SENVVIV-project (1995-1998). In total 200 dwellings have been examined in detail. The study involved various aspects: energy related building

Airtightness Measurements in three dwellings in Rome.

Airtightness measurements are not yet common in the Italian dwelling stock. In the frameworkof the MICA-ENEA contract, three dwellings were chosen to study the energy performanceon the influence of natural agents. The majority of the dwellings in Italy still nowdays rely onnatural ventilation and records of the fluidynamic and energy performance are not contractualdocuments among the parties involved.

Air tightness specifications.


Airtightness in UK dwellings: a review of some recent measurements.

The objectives of this paper are to review measurements of airtightness in two domestic refurbishment projects in England, and to attempt to determine the effects of basic construction method and approach to refurbishment on airtightness.

Airtightness of new Belgian dwellings - an overview picture.

In the framework of the Flemish Impulse Programme on Energy Technology (VLIET), the project called SENVIVV is running from January 1995 till September 1997. The major objective is to obtain a detailed picture of various characteristics of dwellings constructed during the period 1990-1995. To achieve this, a representative sample of 200 dwellings is analysed in detail. The final report of this project is expected to be available at the end of 1997.
