An overview of thermal envelopes in Federal buildings.


Energy efficiency of buildings: simple appraisal method.

A new method is proposed to appraise the relative energy efficiency of designs for new or refurbished buildings. Based on the development of an energy efficiency index, it is simple to use and understand, and requires no particular expertise. The method offers a straightforward determination of likely energy performance. It addresses the total power rating of plant installed to achieve specified indoor environmental conditions, and the monitoring and control equipment which manages that capacity.

Chicago apartments get new lease of life.


Energy rating of non domestic buildings.

The BRE is developing an energy rating scheme for non-domestic buildings on behalf of the DoE, designed to encourage voluntary good practice and for possible future use within the Building Regulations. The scheme will allow building specifiers, occupiers and others to define and compare building performance in simple. terms. The UK programme is in its early stages, and a key part of its technical development and implementation involves consultation with a wide range of potential users. This paper outlines the policy and commercial needs driving the programme.

Rating the energy efficiency of air conditioned buildings.

BRE, working with a group of industry and property representatives, have developed a simple method for assessing the likely energy efficiency of air conditioned and mechanically ventilated buildings. For new buildings, the method uses information available at the early design stages. It therefore provides designers with a tool to assess the implications of various plant and envelope options from the beginning. It can be used as a label or target for energy efficiency and, as such, as a means of assessing buildings in both voluntary systems such as BREEAM or perhaps in Building Regulations.
