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Ventilation and energy efficiency.

Keynote address of the 7th AIVC Conference. Address aims 1) to set an energy efficiency context for research into air infiltration; 2) to summarise current research themes; 3) to suggest aims for research in air infiltration and occupant behaviour.

Investigations on thermal balance and thermal energy economy in dwelling houses. Badania bilansu i oszczednosci energii cieplnej w budynkach mieszkalnych

Classification and characteristics of particular methods of investigations on thermal energy balance in dwelling houses aiming at determination of economy attained owing to modernization measures, are presented in the paper. Guidelines on execution of respective measurements and on working out theinvestigation results are given.

A preliminary study of window opening in 18 low energy houses.

An energy efficiency monitoring programme was carried out from 1984 to 1986 by the South London Consortium Energy Group, United Kingdom Department of Energy, with assistance from British Gas, Watson House, as part of a demonstration project funded by the United Kingdom Department of Energy, the EEC and SLC Energy Group. 18 occupied low energy houses were thoroughly instrumented in order to monitor energy usage and occupant hehaviour.

Demand-controlled ventilation - an alternative to unnecessary air conditioning. Tarpeettoman ilmastoinnin vaihtoehto - tarpeenmukainen ilmanvaihto.

Good indoor air quality and thermal comfort and good energy-efficiency can be achieved simultaneously only if the amount of ventilation can be demand-controlled. Two approaches are discussed in the article: CO2- control and use of so-called air quality sensors. The first experiments have been promising but further development of equipment is still needed, in order to improve the reliability and economy of demand-controlled ventilation.
