Booklet VI: Building Envelope. Annex XIII- Energy Management in Hospitals.

The last of six booklets designed as a guide for energy management in hospitals. It treats the problems related to the losses of energy occurring through the building envelope, which includes: walls, windows, roofs, floors, and fresh air intakes. Energy Conservation Opportunities are reported, with the aim to attain reductions in the energy required for the operation of HVAC systems in these buildings.

Booklet V: Services. Annex XIII- Energy Management in Hospitals

The fifth of six booklets designed as a guide for energy management in hospitals. It considers the auxiliary systems which are generally present in hospitals such as: hospital medical equipment, laundry, kitchen sterilization. A description of all systems considered is reported, with indication of amount of energy required in each case.

Booklet IV, Electrical System. Annex XIII- "Energy Management in Hospitals".

The fourth of six booklets designed as a guide for energy management in hospitals. It aims to give practical assistance to the technical hospital staff, with the intent to reduce electricity cost, describing possibilities for an efficient and cost-saving use of energy in hospitals.

Booklet III: Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, domestic hot water. Annex XIII- Energy Management in Hospitals.

The third of six booklets designed as a guide for energy management in hospitals. It focuses on the requirements of the various zones of a hospital, and how they can be met in an energy efficient way, by means of heating, ventilating, air conditioning systems.

Booklet II: Heat generation and distribution/ cold generation and distribution. Annex XIII- "Energy Management in Hospitals".

The second of six booklets designed as a guide for energy management in hospitals. Its main objectives are to provide a sound basis for the approach of thermal energy management, including both heat and cold generation; it is divided into three main parts: heat generation, heat distribution, coldgeneration and distribution.

Booklet I: Introduction to the booklets and the Management Perspective, Annex XIII. "Energy Management in Hospitals."

The first of six booklets designed as a guide for energy management in hospitals. It provides an introduction to the booklets and the management perspective. It is designed to help institutions to identify the requirements, fund structures which support the initiatives, carry out certain procedures and ensure that the comfort of the facility is maintained, as well as the proper service, and energy with its associated cost is minimised.
