Architectural concepts and reduction of allergen exposure

This study aims to assess the relationship between building and allergen exposure, and between dwellings and pollutants enhancing allergen response. Kind of allergens and pollutants are described with their sources, and measured levels. The authors conclude that the role of the medical corporation in the future will be very important for the improvement of the indoor air quality.

Risk factors and environmental tobacco smoke

ETS has been recognized as a toxic agent in 1986 that could cause lung cancer, effect the pulmonary function, later on, other studies and surveys found association between ETS and asthma, with risk of coronary heart disease. This paper is a review of those different studies.

Overview of European data on indoor air pollution in dwellings and related health effects

This paper is a review of data collected in European dwellings on particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde, dampness/mould and dust mites at home. Related health effects are summarized in this review too, along with some results not yet published from two Italian indoor air studies.

Ventilation and indoor air quality in new homes

The aim of that study is to produce guidance in adequate ventilation in new domestic buildings. The paper gives a description of the development and application of a method for measuring the mean ventilation rate in occupied homes with the measurement of indoor air pollutants. Results are presented.

Ventilation filters and indoor air quality : a review of research from the International Center for Indoor Environment and Energy

This paper is a review of almost two decades work on pollution sources in ventilation systems. There is a special emphasis on ventilation filters with reference to the work of other researchers. A view into future research and developement with engineering solutions is also presented.

THADE Project: guidelines and standards on indoor air quality in dwellings

This paper is the presentation of the authors'work in the THADE project. Their objective has been to review legislation and guidelines on air pollution and air quality in European dwellings and outside Europe too.

Critical appraisal of the setting and implementation of indoor exposure limits in the EU (INDEX) A project funded by the European Commission-DG SANCO

The aim of this 24 months' project is to create a European network in the area of indoor air pollution with the listing of priority substances to be regulated indoors, recommendations, legislation... at world scale.

Studies on the role of fungi in Sick Building Syndrome

Fungi presence are often liked to the sick building syndrome. In this paper the authors describe two case studies on the role of fungi in the occurrence of SBS.

Outline of a methodology for construction of a healthy building (Article in portuguese)

This paper gives the description of the outline of a methodology whose aim is to decrease or even eliminate the emissions resulting from building materials.

Towards a new European programme for healthy indoor air EFA recommendations

The author, basing on the present knowledge on healthy indoor air, asks for a reenforcement of indoor environment in Europe, without delay.
