Analysis of indoor air quality in a kitchen

This paper reports experimental study of air quality in the kitchen of the CSTB experimental house MARIA. These experiments are transition between measurements in an experimental cell and in situ measurements. Indeed, ventilation conditions are controlled via either a hood or via a mechanical ventilation at the exhaust. The kitchen studied is also equipped with a pan on an electric cook-top which temperature is controlled. However, unlike measurements in test cells, wall temperatures cannot be controlled. Impact of cooking vapour on indoor air quality is analyzed using a tracer gas (SF6).

Air quality evaluation in the space with personalized ventilation and different occupant distributions

For the application of personalized (PV) in practice, it is important to recognize its performance under realistic conditions as they apply in rooms. In this paper results of both CFD simulations and laboratory measurements are reported regarding the local ventilation effectiveness with personalized ventilation. It was observed that the personalized air influences only a limited microenvironment at the workstation. Then a new model was proposed to evalate the indoor air quality in the entire space with varied distributions of occupants.

Indoor Air Climatic Design of the Tombs of Valley of Kings

Airflow characteristics in ventilated and air-conditioned spaces play an important role to attain comfort and hygiene conditions. This paper utilizes a 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model to assess the airflow characteristics in ventilated and air-conditioned archeological tombs of Egyptian Kings in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt.

Indoor air pollution by alkylphenols in Tokyo

This study surveyed concentrations of airborne AP (alkyphenols) in indoor air and outdoor air in Tokyo. An analytical method has been developed using the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry-SIM.

Indoor Air Effects on Health in Dwellings Occupied all Daylong by Elderly

A recent survey study suggested that elderly people’s lifestyle and building + dwellings factors exposed them to an uncomfortable and poor environment regarding indoor air quality. In order to confirm the qualitative statements of this study, measurements

Experimental study of ventilation performance and contaminant distribution of underfloor ventilation systems vs. traditional ceiling-based ventilation system

This study shows the possiblity of improving indoor air quality thanks to underfloor ventilation systems. The top-return configuration and the floor-return one are tested and compared to a traditional ceililng based mixing system.

Clinical respiratory symptoms associated with indoor air pollution

In developed countries, allergens, gas cooking and tobacco smoking represent a majorrisk, whereas in many developing countries wood stoves and indoor fuel cooking are moreimportant.Building-related illnesses represent another problem. The effects of indoor pollution are getting worseby poor living conditions and poor ventilation.

Outdoor/Indoor/Personal ozone exposures of children in Nashville, Tennessee

That study was conducted in Nashville (TN) : during six weeks, measurements using passive ozone samplers were made on a group of school children aged 10 to 12 to estimate the outdoor/indoor /personal ozone exposure. Personal ozone exposure depends of the time spent indoors and outdoors.

Final report on European interdisciplinary networks on indoor environment and health - EUROWORKS

In this swedish report, an inventory and a multidisciplinary review (EUROWORKS) of the scientific literature about networks on indoor environmental quality and health is made. That work was performed during 2001 and was supported by the European Commission.

Ventilation procedures for better indoor air quality

To give some rules to the construction industry, a new standard on the ventilation was issued in Portugal (NP 1037-1:2002). This standard deals with natural ventilation. Some researchs are being carried out to assess impact of the natural ventilation on indoor environment.
