Indoor air quality in ten homes with flueless heaters in the Leicestershire area

The aim of that study was to carry out an air quality survey of 10 homes with flueless heaters fuelled by natural gas. Procedure, instrumentation and results are presented along with a comparison of survey date with guidelines.

Impact of ventilation systems on indoor air quality and annual energy consumption in school buildings

The paper presents the results of the analysis of the impact of various ventilation systems on indoor air quality and energy consumption, performed for a typical Polish elementary school that was built in 1970s. Simulations were made with the use of two computer codes: CONTAM W and ESP-r. A multizone model of the global capacity of 9464 m3 was performed. The model contained 17 classrooms and 10 additional rooms typical of such buildings.

Indoor air quality in classrooms : field campaign by questionnaires and measurements

A research project aimed at investigating IAQ and thermal, acoustic and visual comfort was carried out in Italian high school and university classrooms. The investigations were performed through field campaigns during regular lesson periods consisting of subjective surveys and measurements. This work focuses in analysing the results from the IAQ investigations at four high schools of Provincia di Torino during the heating period.

Indoor air quality in classrooms of renovated school building in Lithuania

The purpose of this study was to assess indoor air quality as well as actual ventilation in renovated school classrooms. A typical naturally ventilated school building was chosen to install different air inlet units in identical classrooms. Later measurements of carbon dioxide concentrations, temperature, relative humidity and air velocity were carried out. Actual measured values were compared with Lithuanian and European standards. This study gives the evaluation of renovating process in the Lithuanian schools, which began in 1997.

Field investigation of indoor air quality in various chinese residential buildings

In recent years, the housing market in China has expanded tremendously due to economic development. Building envelopes have become more and more airtight because of improvements in building technology and concerns on energy conservation. But a lack of knowledge on domestic ventilation performance and difficulties in achieving suitable standards have led to more and more complaints from occupants, and reported cases of building related illness (BRI).

Experimental and numerical studies on indoor air quality in a real environment

This paper deals with the relevance of Computational Fluids Dynamics (CFD) results confronted tomeasurements carried out under uncontrolled thermal conditions. Experimental tests have been undertaken in a room and in a kitchen of an experimental house. Although the wall surface temperatures and the air intake temperature have not been imposed, the air change rates have been controlled during the measurements. Moreover, since measurements have been carried out in a real environment, air leakage has occurred at the walls.

Energy savings and indoor air quality in retrofitting of educational buildings

A significant part of existing educational buildings have to be retrofit in the next years inFrance. The economical, environmental and social requirements have increased with theinternational targets of reduction of greenhouse emission and sustainable development.

Energy consumption, thermal comfort and indoor air quality in schools

School buildings in Flanders are quite old. They cause concern not only about energy efficiency but also about thermal comfort, indoor air quality, speech intelligibility and visual comfort. To evaluate the correctness of the concerns, energy consumption was monitored in 18 schools, while in each of them a classroom was selected for detailed measurements on comfort and indoor air quality. The results justify the concern. Energy consumption per pupil varies significantly, from low to really high.

On the history of indoor air quality and health

Main environmental studies are today, outdoor air quality, but not indoor air quality though there is mounting evidence that exposure to IAQ is the cause of excessive morbidity and mortality.Research within the areas of developing countries has had a low priority during the last half century compared with research on ambient air or industrial air.

The effects of indoor air quality on performance and productivity

This paper summarizes a series of 10 experiments made in offices in order to quantify the effects of indoor environmental factors on performance. It is possible that those effects of poor indoor air quality, have caused the reduction of performance in office work.
This series is extended to carry out field experiments on air quality in schools.
