Road traffic pollution and its effect on the internal environment of buildings.

Indoor and outdoor concentrations of various pollutants were measured in a naturally ventilated building in the West End of Edinburgh during and after the period of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) to assess the effect upon indoor pollution levels of the closure of some streets in the city. The relationships between indoor and outdoor air qualities in respect of traffic-generated pollutants were studied and the building's relative attenuation of external pollution levels investigated.

Overview and synthesis of the monitoring activities carried out in the framework of the NatVent EC Joule Project.

Since the beginning of this decade, natural ventilation in office buildings is receiving specific interest. There are two sorts of application. Natural ventilation can be a strategy for indoor air quality control. Besides it can be used as night ventilation during warm or hot periods. In this case the objective is to cool down the thermal mass and improve the thermal summer comfort. The EC JOULE NatVent project wanted to identify the barriers to the application of natural ventilation in office-type buildings in moderate and cold climates and to provide solutions.

Indoor air quality and performance contracting in schools in the US.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in partnership with the NationalAssociation of Energy Service Companies (NAESCO) is demonstrating an approach whichintegrates indoor air quality (IAQ) improvements into energy efficiency upgrades provided toschools using performance contracts. Capital costs of energy-related improvements arefinanced, then repaid from utility and maintenance savings realized as a result of newequipment, systems, and controls. In five public schools in various climate zones across theU.

A methodology to assess the IAQ performances of ventilation systems in residential buildings.

Until now, there is no widely accepted way to express any index for this purpose and taking into account the large variety of possible pollutants. Things can be simplified if the aim is to compare different systems and strategies rather than to give an absolute value of quality. For the study of a pollutant source, the main important point for comparison is the pattern of its production, whatever this pollutant is. The detailed data for each inhabitant is the curve of the number of hours above a pollutant level concentration Ci: Nh (Ci).

Development of ventilation design tool utilising expert system.

 This study is aimed to spread the intelligent design tool of ventilation in buildings and to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) in rooms. This paper describes two prototypes for diagnosing IAQ and ventilation calculation in rooms, by utilizing the technology of artificial intelligence, such as ES (Expert System), in which the data concerning ventilation design are summarized and the knowledge is presented in the form of production rule.

Indoor environment quality in buildings and its impact on the outdoor environment.

The main purpose of buildings is to provide a comfortable living environment for their occupants. This includes, among others, thermal, visual and acoustic comfort as well as indoor air quality. Except during the fifties and sixties, it has always been considered important that an excess use of energy should be avoided in the construction and the management of a building, sometimes even at the cost of user comfort. Energy saving is however not the main purpose of the building.

The energy and indoor climate performances of the recent housing stock in Belgium: outcome of the Vliet-Senvivv study.

A systematic analysis of recently constructed dwellings in the Flemish Region has been undertaken within the SENVIVV-project (1995-1998). In total 200 dwellings have been examined in detail. The study involved various aspects: energy related building data (thermal insulation level, net heating demand, installed heating power, .. ), indoor climate (temperature levels in winter and summer), building airtightness, ventilation, appreciation of the occupants, . . . This paper especially focuses on the results for thermal insulation, airtightness and ventilation.

A comparison study of the effectiveness of three ventilation systems in purging pollutant using CFD.

A three-dimensional mathematical model to solve the mixing, displacement and vortex ventilation systems in the removal of pollutants with a thermal source is described. The study carried out to investigate the effectiveness of each of the individual ventilation systems showed that the vortex ventilation system performed better than the other two systems in providing moderate occupancy thermal comfort but very effective in purging pollutants away from a typical office room environment

Effect of interior partitions on the air movement and air quality in a room with mixing ventilation.

Working spaces in modem buildings are easily formed by interior partitions because these buildings have been designed and constructed as open spaces for flexibility. This could lead to an indoor environment which might be different from the intended design. In this study, the effect of partition on the indoor air quality in a model room has been investigated with different configurations such as the height of' partition and the gap between partition and floor.

Experimental evaluation of kitchen hoods performance.

This paper presents an original protocol to measure the fluodynamic performance of hoods in the laboratory. Results are presented both in terms of contaminant removal efficiency and flow field. The measuring campaign has been performed in order to assess how the hood performance is influenced by the boundary conditions, the hood geometry, and the heat power released by cooking appliances. 
