An Approach for Assessing Target Levels for Industrial Air Quality

This paper considers methodologies how desired level, target level, of industrial air quality can be defined taking into account a feasibility issue. The method is based on the health-based risk assessment and the technology-based approach. Because health-based risk estimates at low contaminant concentration regions are rather inaccurate, the technology-based approach is emphasized. The technological approach is based on information on the prevailing contaminant concentrations in industrial work environment and the benchmark air quality attained with the best achievable control technology.

Performance Evaluation of four Ventilation Systems Regarding IAQ and Energy Use for Japanese Climate Conditions

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of 4 kinds of ventilation systems from the point of view of indoor air pollution and energy need during heating season under Japanese conditions by numerical simulation. TVOC was selected to characterize the indoor air quality impact to residents. The results show that in the case of mechanical exhaust ventilation system, TVOC level is the highest among all the systems. Mechanical central supply and exhaust ventilaton system shows its advantages for minimizing energy consumption and maintaining an acceptable indoor air quality.

Indoor air quality and the workplace.

Indoor air quality.
