Indoor climate and moisture problems in Finnish schools.

The purpose of the study was to assess actual ventilation, indoor air quality and also the quality of repairing process in the Finnish schools. The measurements that included ventilation rate, co2 and particle concentrations, and temperature and humidity in the classrooms were carried out in 20 schools. Repairing of schools were studied on the basis of 32 schools. The typical needs for repairing HY AC-systems and building structures and also typical repairing measures and faults were reported. The most common problem was the classrooms' old-fashioned or even missing ventilation devices.

Simplified analysis of combined heat, moisture and air transport for one-dimensional cases.

This report presents a simplified computational model for combined air-, moisture and heat transport for one-dimensional cases. The model is based on finite difference technique with explicit forward differences in time. Analytical solutions for the coupling, the conductances, between the computational cells for a given air flow through the construction are used. Moisture is transferred by vapour diffusion and vapour convection. No liquid water transport occurs.

Passive stack ventilation system design and installation.

Passive stack ventilation is a means of removing unwanted moisture from dwellings. The proper design and installation of these systems is vital to their successful performance. This paper gives detailed guidance on this subject and is in support of the 1995 edition of the Approved Document to Part F of the Building Regulations.
