Moisture within a porous layer in a building envelope.

The paper is a srudy of the effect of air infiltration on temperarure and water vapour pressure distributions within a porous layer. A theoretical formula describing these is proposed. The paper concludes with some new recommendations to the designer.

Ventilation and cooling.

The main source of humidity in office buildings is the human occupant. Moisture is therefore a result of heat transmission from the person to the room air. The article covers heat transmission of the human body, humidity and comfort, cooling and dehumidification, and refrigeration capacity.

Straw bale moisture sensor study.


Protecting valuable records.

Providing safe storage for documents and documentary records within new and existing buildings is a problem faced by many building designers and owners/managers. This Bulletin sets out the common causes of damage and the specific storage criteria for commonly used documents and documentary records, as well as outlining methods to satisfy these criteria.      
