Prediction of indoor sol-air temperature in an atrium space with a vertical distribution

This study suggests a computer model capable of predicting thermal environment of an atriumand calculating indoor sol-air temperature, which can evaluate the influence of heat loads thatthe atrium space puts on the adjoining rooms. The computer model is based on zonal modelcombined with the solar radiation model using the Monte Carlo method and ray-tracingtechnique. The accuracy of computer model was validated through scale model test and fieldmeasurement. The average relative error of solar radiation model for predicting solar radiationintensity in atrium space was 11.8%.

Are microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) useful predictors for a hidden mould damage?

Laboratory trials were performed in order to search for the variety of the production ofmicrobial volatile organic compounds (MVOC), which could be used as indicators for hiddenmould damage. Concerning the MVOC production the experiments showed a dependency onthe building materials used as substrate and on the genus or species. It could be proved thatthe production of certain MVOC is not consistent at all times. On the whole low emissionrates in terms of g h-1 of the MVOC were found.

Biohygrothermal method for the prediction of mould growth: procedure and health aspects

In buildings growing conditions for mould fungi can occur and cause fungus infestation. Thepossible danger for the occupants of dwellings lies in the production and spreading ofpathogens (disease causing agents). Therefore, consequent measures have to be taken to avoidhealth dangers that result from mould fungi in buildings. A strategy has to be set up thatfocuses on the growth conditions for mould fungi and also considers the complex transientprocesses of building physics.

Development of a guideline for selecting a simulation tool for airflow prediction

With the advancement of technology, and with the widespread availability of simulation tools, we are forced to consider which simulation tool would be appropriate for a particular problem. The seemingly trivial decision is in reality not very easy to make. And this leads to the practice of using the most sophisticated tool available for every problem. The levels of resolution and complexity are directly related to the accuracy of the simulation and to the total cost of the simulation process. A simple tool may be cheaper, but there is a high risk of inaccuracy.

Review of indoor emission source models. Part 2. : parameter estimation

This paper is the second part of a study on indoor emission sources models : this part is the compilation and review of 48 methods for parameter estimation.For an useful valid model, estimation of the different parameters of a model must be easy. But the development of methods for parameters estimation is often left for only the development of model, and these models are then not used after their publication.

Review of indoor emission source models. Part 1. Overview

This paper is the first part of a study on indoor emission sources models : 52 models of recent years are overviewed, each one is presented, with its validity, usefulness, limitation and flaw if necessary.

Comparing zonal and CFD model predictions of isothermal indoor airflows to experimental data

This paper is the investigation of two approaches for describing the details of air-flow in large indoor spaces. One approach is the zonal method, and the second one uses a CFD model.Results swow that when airflows details are necessary, coarse-grid CFD is a better method for predicting airflow in large indoor spaces than the zonal methods.

Theory for natural ventilation by thermal buoyancy in one zone with uniform temperature.

This article describes a reliable tool for analysing and designing natural ventilation systems, based on fundamental flow equations : mass balance, energy conservation and momentum.

Influence of the floor-based obstructions on contaminant removal efficiency and effectiveness.

The objectives of this research were to predict contaminant concentration distribution in occupied zone and contaminant removal efficiency as a function of an occupied zone obstruction level, air distribution method, air change rate, cooling load and contaminant source non-uniformity. The final objective was to develop a concentration variation coefficient to be used for design of air distribution systems. Concludes that the room air distribution method results in contaminant concentration non-uniformity inside the occupied zone.

The prediction of airflow-generated noise in mechanical ventilation systems.

Buildings located in noisy areas require a high degree of sound insulation. This will usually involve making the building envelope virtually airtight, and as a result losing the possibility of utilising natural ventilation. The solution is to employ a mechanical ventilation system, but such systems can themselves constitute a source of intrusive noise. Discontinuities in ducts result in the generation of flow noise and a loss of static pressure. The greater the discontinuity, the greater is the loss in static pressure and the greater is the sound power generated.
