Comparative trials of ventilation systems for humidity control.

Three ventilation systems were installed in the EA Technology Ventilation Test House: passive stack ventilation (PSV), mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) and extract fans. Humidifiers were used to simulate occupancy and the performance of the systems monitored over the winter of 1993/94. The aim was to assess the effectiveness of different ventilation systems in controlling indoor humidity at a level that will inhibit the growth of house dust mites.

Use of passive stack systems in multi-storey dwellings: assessment of performance.

The use of PSV (Passive Stack Ventilation) systems in two and three storey dwellings is now widely accepted as a method of achieving adequate ventilation levels for indoor air quality control. However, the application of PSV systems to multiple-storey dwellings is, in the United Kingdom, in its infancy. This paper provides detailed performance data relating to extensive monitoring of PSV systems in multi-storey dwellings in three EC countries (France, Belgium and Holland).

Two-zones model for predicting passive stack ventilation in multi-storey dwellings.

Proper dimensioning of natural ventilation system for multi-storey buildings is a critical matter, because the air flow rate depends on many parameters as outdoor temperature, wind, distribution of air inlets and envelope air leakage, characteristics of outlets and cowls. The computer code GAILNE BIZONE predicts the ventilation rates in multi-storey dwellings equipped with passive stack ventilation system. Each level is treated as a two-zones configuration, but each zone is linked to the collective ventilation shaft of the building.

Passive stack ventilation.

The adequate ventilation of houses is essential for both the occupants and the building fabric. As air-tightness standards increase, background infiltration levels decrease and extra ventilation has to be designed into the building. Passive stack ventilation has many advantages - particularly when employed in low cost housing schemes - but it is essential that it performs satisfactorily. This paper give the results from monitoring two passive stack ventilation schemes.

Comparing predicted and measured passive stack ventilation rates.

BRE have experimental data for the flows found in Passive Stack Ventilation (PSV) ducts from a test house in Garston. These data cover different duct diameters, number of bends and roof terminals, all measured over a variety of weather conditions. In the first part of this paper the data are analyzed to separate temperature and wind effects, and to see how well they fit well to the expected model of duct flow. The second part gives a comparison of the same data with predictions from the single zone ventilation model BREVENT.

A study of various passive stack ventilation systems in a test house.

The Building Research Establishment has set up various passive stack ventilation systems (PSV) in a test house in order to assess their performance. The test house used was a two storey, end terrace dwelling on the BRE site at Garston. A PSV was installed in the kitchen of the test dwelling. The duct material, diameter and configuration were varied to determine any differences that they would make to the air flow rates obtained in the duct. In addition, three different ridge terminals were tested and three ceiling inlets.
