Prediction of global comfort in air conditioned building with a zonal model

The study presents a zonal model to evaluate the global comfort of air conditioned buildings. The model calculates various criterions such as Ppo and DR. Sound measure level is estimated with Sabine law. Comparisons with tests are presented.

The impact of air pollution from used ventilation filters on human comfort and health

In an environmental lab with a panel of 30 women exposed 4 hours, comfort and health have been detremined both with a used or a new filter present in the ventilation system. All other environmental parameters were kept constant. A used filter in a HVAC system can have a negative effect on both the immediate perception of the indoor air quality and on perceptions and health-related symptoms. However, the annoyance experienced through the sensory system may have amplified the intensity of symptoms.

Thermal comfort - thermal mass : housing in hot dry climates

Results are shown on how to use the thermal mass of buildings envelope to ameliorate diurnal temperature swings in hot dry regions.

Experimental and numerical studies on air diffusion in a single office

The study has compared experimental data and numerical simulation of air velocity for a room with jet diffusers to assess comfort conditions in the occupied zone. Comparison was mainly done in planes perpendicular and along the jet axis.Results allow to expand the use of the numerical approach during design to achieve high levels of environmental comfort.

Influence of furniture layout and ventilation design on air quality and thermal comfort

The study presents the influence of three different air diffusion systems and furniture layout on comfort (PMV, PPD) and indoor air quality (ventilation efficiency). Results of CFD calculations have been validated using experimental results for one case on a test rig. Charts are given to help dimensioning.

Experimental study on the thermal environment of chair ventilation

Experimental results on the thermal conditions around a ventilated chair (with air supply openings in its base) are provided. They concern air velocities, temperatures and thermal comfort for a seated person. Results are commented compared to those obtained in a room with displacement ventilation with wall-mounted diffuser.

Measurement of thermal comfort and local discomfort by a thermal manikin

A thermal manikin with 16 independently heated sections has been used for measurements of thermal comfort with mixing and displacement ventilation. The thermal comfort is expressed at the location of the manikin as an equivalent homogeneous temperature (EHT).
Results lead to indications about the connection between EHT and the percentage of dissatisfied due to the vertical temperature gradient and draft rating.

Thermal comfort in a mixing ventilated room with high velocities near the occupied zone

Experimental results in a testing room with mixing ventilation were used to define two new ways of designing the inlet airflow in order to ensure comfort. The first way uses the assumption that air velocities are only a function of the Archimedes number, which provides curves showing air velocity in the occupied zone as function of inlet air temperature and velocity. The second way results from an analytical calculation of the penetration length of the air jet in the room and the distance where it enters the occupied zone.

Design and testing of a garment for measuring sensible heat transfer between the human body and its environment

A specially designed garment for direct physical measurement of both the convective and the radiative components of human heat loss was developped, using sensitive heat flux transducers housed in clothing pockets. Investigation with a human subject showed the advantages and the precautions to be taken using this equipment.

EN-ISO standard for summer comfort

Describes the content of the European and International standard EN-ISO 13792 which allows the simplified calculation of the internal temperature in hot season of a room without mechanical cooling.
